Chapter 11 - Did I majorly mess up in my past life?

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Another lovely warning: I know nothing about the business and corporate world so I will proceed to make shit up. This was a dream remember.


POV: Nerovsky

One month later...

Exactly one month had passed since my first day at MegCorp. One month since the day I scared the living shits out of my best friend. One month since my last, unfortunate interaction with the CEO of MegCorp Mr. Covell. Deep inside, I feel disappointed that we haven't ran into each other ever since. I'm just going to blame my thirst for some eye candy. Regardless, even till this day, I try to forget that day ever exists but alas, my asshole manager Matthew will remind me at least once a week. That motherfucker was clearly sadistic.

That being said, there had been some positives since then. I've adjusted relatively quickly and got into the habits of things. I'm still shy and introverted as fuck (which is probably why I'm so out there when I'm undercover) but I made pretty decent friends from my department. Matthew Williams for one, even though every sign's telling me to run from him if I want a happy life. He is friendly and outgoing with everyone but for some reason, (let's be honest. We all know the reason) he invites me and couple others during break or hangs around my area whenever he's free. So I'll take it as being one of the closer friends of his. I also made friends with my cubicle neighbours, Mason Norman and Pearl Klein.

How I made friends with them was a bit of an odd way though. I was minding my own business and typing away with those two gossiping about the incident caused 6 months ago by yours truly, when out of nowhere they ask me.

"Hey, Nerovsky. Have you heard about the incident that happened with our ex-boss/manager? The news basically summarised the entire incident, since someone leaked some hardcore stuff but some details were still kept under wraps that only the company knows."

I gave you the details that were kept under wraps. Obviously, I had to play dumb and politely replied, "I- I know as much as- as the general public knows. I didn't think bad of the company or else I wouldn't b- be here but I was always curious wha- what happened afterwards?"

Those two looked at each other with knowing smiles and looked back, clearly with the full intent of telling me what happened. I'm sitting next to gossip machines. They're the scariest yet the most useful. "Well we don't know much ourselves but Borris obviously got escorted out to put it nicely, which left us, manager, less. We expected to be in that state for at least a week because choosing someone you trust after being betrayed is not easy. Except the next day, Matthew Williams – who was previously like us – just came in, said he's our new boss, no one complained and now we're here. As laid back as he seems, boss knows what he's doing and is probably the most hardworking out of us all."

After hearing all that, my respect for Matthew rose a bit more and never felt more satisfied to work under him (instead of Borris) but that still didn't stop me from taking a jab at him at that moment, causing me to break into my other persona temporarily.

"Eh. I think I still stick by my theory of Matthew using his sadistic nature to utilize Mr. Covell's kinks against him to score him his position."

They took an immediate liking to me – if they're 10 minutes of non-stop hysteric laughter indicated anything – and since then, we've gone to a nearby pub for a drink at least once a week. When Aiden found out that I had made said friends, he began tearing me up and started saying bullshit like "My baby has grown up so much" or "He's not lonely anymore." Frankly, it was quite patronizing so I just punched him in the face to shut him up. It worked.

Back on the topic of positive things happening this month, the workload was perfectly fine and it wasn't too little or too much, which relieves a shit ton of stress off me (maybe because I'm still new but still). Which probably explains why I haven't had an "off day" of some sort. Bad things had happened here and there but nothing to ruin my day.

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