Chapter 28 - How do you seduce him?

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POV: Nerovsky

Why do I come to these? I fall asleep 2 minutes in anyway. Oh wait, now I remember. It's because they're fucking compulsory. There's some sort of fine and a personal visit from the government people themselves. That's the last thing I need. As more people streamed in and took a seat in the hall, I yawned for the 8th time in 10 minutes and regretted living a bit more. Aiden had already dozed off on my right shoulder and was on the brink of drooling on my suit. Oi assface, I still have work after this and unlike you, I can't just turn up to work in a hoodie. I put my hand on his chin and shut his jaw shut, causing the man to wiggle uncomfortably on my shoulder before he found a comfortable position again, releasing a large, peaceful exhale in the process. How the fuck are you sleeping like that? We're standing for fuck sake (We hadn't sat on the chairs and stood at the back of the room for a quick escape out). I looked back to the stage and then to the entrance again to find that there were still more people entering. You know... I'm starting to call bullshit on the whole 'People who have an Oddity make up 0.5% of the world's population.' There are way too many people here. Maybe, they all migrate to big cities so they can flex. Yeah, most look like snobby assholes. They're definitely all in the metropolitan area to flex their specialness.

A quick explanation of what was going on and where we are. As mentioned before, us special people make up 0.5% of the population which isn't a lot but it was large enough for the world to not ignore our existence. The world had set a bunch of universals rules and laws for us to specifically to follow. Some countries may be stricter and have additional ones or others might just ignore the rules and live laxly with us. The rules were set in place so we didn't do the whole world domination thing. Even superheroes were an uncommon thing, mainly due to the lengthy process of training and all the legalities of using their powers without consequences. Places where there was a high concentration of us also had an Oddity "ruler" alongside the country's ruler. They're placed to deal with the country's politics but mainly focused on issues Oddity related. The leader also usually dealt with training and growing the police force, regardless of Oddity or not.

At least once a year, the Oddity leader held a meeting for all us, in or near the area, where attendance was compulsory, regardless of any circumstances (unless you're bedridden in hospital or something to that extent). Luckily, the meeting excused you from everything and there weren't any consequences if you, for example, had to go in the middle of work. The meeting's held at the end of the year and just ran through the entire year's events. However, very rarely, there was an emergency meeting held in the middle of the year. That usually meant trouble or issues that one of us (or more) that needed immediate attention. This was one of those meetings.

The meeting was pretty early morning so I was missing the morning half of work and going in the afternoon, probably staying back a bit later than usual. Which was annoying but oh well. The meeting is meant to start in 3 minutes and people are still lazing in. I bet my bank balance that they don't even get fined or some shit. I might as well come into the meeting halfway through. At that moment, I saw the tied-for-number-one bachelor duo enter the establishment and immediately, the noise in the hall increased by 5 folds. The place was filled with squeals, whistles, whispering, talking, etc.

They tended to have that effect. 

This was the one place where common folks like us could sit with celebrities or big named people without any fuss (there was a rule not to hassle the VIPs) or restrictions as such. The females were either fangirling quietly or trying to capture their attention so they would sit with them or get their number or seduce them or try to get laid. Then and there. And this is the exact reason why I'm gay. Well... that isn't a fair comment since there are a couple of dudes who are trying to do the same thing. They're just more subtle and less slutty. It looked pathetic because Leo and Erwin didn't even bat an eyelash to them. They just moved to the empty seats near the front.

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