Chapter 36 - Gucci or Versace?

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- This chapter and maybe the following isn't going to be really action packed (well at least that's what I decided on the 8th of August 2020) to kind of make it into a breather. I feel like I've been pushing my boys into different intense conflicts back to back. I feel bad. So take it as kind of like a filler arc or maybe just character development arc.

- This story was not meant to be this action packed. I regret making this story my first T_T. it could've been so much better.

- I still don't know with POV I like best so you're still going to have to deal with the inconsistency


POV: Nero

It was Thursday, three days after Jax the Third was stabbed twice by my best friend and my boss. It was two days after that the cops found Jax's body and ordered an investigation on him and what had occurred to him. It was also two days after that Aiden finally calmed down and apologised for everything, including the occurrence during the Oddity meeting. It was a teary 3 hours. It was one day after that the incident was covered up by Aiden once again and one day after the arrest of Jax the Third due to serial murders, discovered during the investigation.

I was walking into the MegCorp building and looking around at my fellow co-workers. Like me, everyone was wearing their casual clothes for the randomly declared casual clothes day (I seriously have no fucking clue what Leo is thinking half the time). Well... casual was a bit of stretch. Most were dressed to impress. Heavy make-up, heavy jewellery and branded clothing. You could say it's casual in comparison to the usual. I couldn't really complain though as I'd also joined the bandwagon. It's not like I wanted to though. I was perfectly fine going in sweatpants and hoodie but Aiden refused with his entire life. He went as far as to say he will smash my PS4 as retaliation for not listening to him. That man scares me sometimes.

So he gave me his clothes since he's all chic and shit. I am currently wearing a simple supreme (disgusting) shirt with a black Louis Vuitton sweater on top, mini LV's scattered in an orderly fashion throughout the clothing. Accompanied with it is Tommy Hilfiger jeans that fit surprisingly well, hugging me in the right places. However, said right places were mostly covered up by my tan, brownish trench coat. That's the only thing that's mine, so you know it's from the sale section of Target. It was still my favourite though. It's so warm. Anyway, that the rest was provided by my best friend.

The circular frames sitting on the bridge of my nose (they still hadn't cracked even after everything they'd been through. I'm becoming concerned because I'm growing weirdly attached to them), the multitude of rings and the bling on my neck were all provided by me. It's one of the things I spent money well on. I also finally got to fill the total of 11 holes present across both my ears with jewellery as well as wear the ring for my lip piercing to work. I won't lie when I say it changed my appearance drastically and gave me a hot emo look. 

The lip ring definitely did not go unnoticed by my surrounding as I felt a couple of passers-by fascinated and shocked stares. My face heated up and ducked my head a bit. Yes. This was the worst idea. Why did I think people will ignore this? They're all old men and women who go home, feed their family dinner while talking about the weather, then proceed on to tell their children bedtime stories, finally ending the day with their significant other to talk about the stocks for the day.

As I was about to reach the security gates, I heard my name being called from behind me. How they recognised me from my back baffled me but I turned around anyway. I spun around on the spot and in the near distance, I saw Matthew (in his sweater and jeans) as well as Pearl (in a simple short dress) enthusiastically waving their hands at him. A shy smile rested on my lips. Once they got closer, Matthew began rambling off.

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