Chapter 46 - I'm not a creep, right?

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POV: Erwin (A/N I never mentioned it but his eyes are now hazel)

Ever since arriving, I'd been completely bored out of my mind. I wasn't even meant to show up but my PR manager forced me to go, saying something along the lines of "putting on a good face in front of everyone and subtly advertising the company," even though we didn't need it. We're doing fairly well. Amazing in fact. She just wanted me to suffer for making her work overtime on her fiancé's birthday. She knew I hated events like these because I had to grin like a maniac at crappy jokes told by sixty year old men or I had to entertain the flock of females like I'm sort of birthday clown. Worse of all, I couldn't even tell them to fuck off and shut down any attempts of getting into my pants because once again, it was a bad look. Acting fake 90% of the time was draining all the motivation out of me. I outta just ditch my company and move to Germany to drink beer at the pub all day.

My PR manager mentioned staying there for at least two hours so as soon as the two hour mark hit, I bid my farewells to my very, very dear friends at my table and go for the exit. Except once I was a couple of meters away, I froze on the spot because of something unexpected present in the hall.

Nerovsky Poston entered and if his wind-blown tells you anything, it's that he wasn't originally invited. His expression gave that away. No one entered a birthday party with urgency and anxiety written all over their face unless the birthday person was their best friend and they were extremely late. 

What's Leo's favourite employee doing here? If I'm not wrong, this party is for the... well known and I'm pretty sure he has no background of such. Which begs the question... how did he get in? The man frantically looked around as well as analysed the hall, which was odd because he was not looking around in awe. He was looking around like he was trying to find something on the walls or just looking for something among the people. Interesting.

My initial purpose of leaving had vanished and opted on watching what the guy was doing instead. This was slightly creepy when you think about it but I was just a curious person. Luck seemed to be on my side because he didn't seem to notice me so I could study the man in his natural habitat. Ok, now I sound really creepy. I'm not. Nerovsky called someone on his phone (he's too far for me to eavesdrop) and throughout the conversation, his face was settled with a serious frown and he was constantly analysing the people around him as well as the surrounding. It began to become concerning. Nero ended up staying on the phone the entire time while he looked at every guest. More specifically, the back of their heads? Now I'm past confused. What's he looking for at the back of people's heads. That went on for what like two minutes before the glasses man seemed to have some sort of epiphany and bolted for the... dancefloor? Was he frantically looking for a dance partner and the only one with the perfect head is the right partner?

With a small shrug, I weaved through the guests to get a closer look at what the man was up to.

POV: Nero

If I was planning to bring this place down with bombs, where would I be?

"I don't know, somewhere where'd you wouldn't hit by the explosion?"

I didn't mean to say it out loud to Aiden but it happened anyway. "Wait, why the fuck would the dude be in the building then? Why are we inside the building? He could be outside."

"I don't know, he mentioned to his sister that he was going to be here when it happens. To see it unfold?"

"So it's a suicide attack?"

"I don't know. He never mentioned whether he's going down with Nori but it would kind of make sense if that's the case."

"Why would it make sense?"

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