Chapter 85 - Am I ever going to have a proper update schedule? (no)

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POV: Aiden

"Goodbye Aiden..." all of a sudden, blood started pouring out of Nero's eyes and the white of his eyes turned black. I grabbed onto him and in desperation called out his name over and over again, to make the bleeding stop.

But blood started pouring everywhere and suddenly, the entire room was red and we're swimming in a pool of blood. He was just standing there, looking lifeless while I was clawing at him, telling him to come back to me.

Nero... Nero... Nero...

"NERO!" I jolted myself awake, gasping for large amounts of air. I probably would've sat up but the immense pain in all my muscles prevented me to do any such movement. My forehead was damp and I assumed it was sweat, only to realise there was wet cloth there. Meaning it was a combination of water and sweat.

Hold on. Where'd this come from? Wait, where the fuck am I?

I test my neck out, seeing whether it was impossible to move and surprisingly, it was fine. So, I studied my surrounding, in case I was kidnapped by Brad and friends because holy hell, this place is owned by some rich fucker.

Two of the items in the room was probably the cost of Nero's entire apartment.

Oh my god, Nero!

The last memory of Nero essentially losing his mind reignited my panic and I found myself trying to get out of bed, ignoring all the pain receptors firing off in my body. I was about halfway through to sitting up when I was pushed back down my large hands out of nowhere.

My body was in full fight/flight/freeze response and I was ready to punch the fucker with my injured hands but a familiar deep voice froze me halfway.

"Unless you want to be permanently disabled, I recommend not getting out of bed after waking up from unconsciousness for the first time."

My body relaxed but only a tiny bit. I whipped my head to the side to find Erwin laying down sideways with his hands keeping his head up. I was beyond confused and it apparently showed on my face because his half ticked off, half concerned look shifted into a half amused, half concerned look.

"I... Erwin? What the hell are you doing here?" And why am I in the bed with you? This does bad things to my heart.

Erwin's amusement grew and he tutted in humour. "Tch, is that really the question you ask your caretaker for the past day and a half?"

"Caretaker? What are you on about?"

"No, I think the question you should ask is where am I and what happened. Also, how could Erwin be so handsome."

I automatically sniped back. "Don't tell me what to do and I'll ask whatever the hell I want. And you're not handsome, why would I ask that? That's a big fucking lie and we both know that.

Erwin grasped at his heart in mock hurt. "Even while severely injured, you send your saviour such hurtful words."

"Saviour?" Images flash through my head at that moment and I realised it was moments before I passed out. Erwin and Leo busting through the door. Erwin approaching me, calling out my name in sheer panic. Me saying my last words before passing out.

"Oh..." I breathed out, revelation hitting me.

Erwin's smirk turned softer into a gentler smile. "You finally recalled what I'm referring to?"

"Yeah," I breathed out. "I... thank you... for helping us out... and finding us. Wait," I tried to scramble up but pain shot up my spine, arm, torso, ribs and everywhere and I quickly gave up with a pained groan. Erwin was quickly concerned again and looked ready to scold me but talked before he could get out a word.

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