Chapter 50 - Can you just fire me already?

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POV: 3rd person

"Well, isn't this a delight?" was the first thing Erwin said after meeting the Piece by Piece Tech employees. The question confounded everyone in the group except for one person. That said person rolled his deep blue eyes and replied back sarcastically, "an absolute treat."

Now that Aiden didn't have to pretend to be some meek, shy brat, his stance was completely straightened up and him leaning back on his leg gave off a nonchalant aura. He had his hands stuffed in his outer garment and his expression was screaming 'bored' to the rest of the members of the party. In reality, his heart was still hammering against his chest. 

It caused the giant man's eyebrows to raise in curiosity but nothing more. Instead, he continued to ignore everyone else's questioning look and spoke his mind. "Who would've thought that you worked under a tech company?"

Aiden added a bored tone to his response, to show how much of a shit he doesn't give. It's façade though. He wanted to do nothing more than to knock everyone unconscious and hide away from the world. "It really shouldn't be that surprising, all things considered."

"It's because I considered all things that I'm saying this. I thought the other job is... exclusive."

"...What other job?" Aiden gave him a confused frown but his eyes were heated with boiling anger. He non-verbally attempted to tell the other man to shut the fuck up or else die through glowering at him. He got the message because he quickly put his hands up in defeat before putting one of them in his pocket, making him look like he was modelling for some photoshoot. They continued to stare at each other, studying and insulting each other inside their heads and they would've continued for longer if there wasn't a clearing of a throat that interrupted them.

Turned out it originated from Shinsou, who looked more puzzled than ever before. "So it can be assumed that you two know each other before today?"

The two men looked back at each other for a quick glance before Aiden answered, "yeah, something like that."

"Friendly terms?" the posh man asked.

The question caught Aiden slightly off guard because it's not something someone would usually ask, especially during the initial meeting. Aiden answered honestly nonetheless. "I did just say I did not want to be here and attempted to run away as soon as I entered the building, so that should kind of give it away."

Shinsou said nothing in response, just sent a small, amused smile Aiden's way. Instead, the CEO said something in his place, accompanied by a teasing smile. "What? We aren't friends? But... we were getting along so well the other day. I thought we were friends. Why would you want to leave?" The smile turned into a perfect sad frown, too perfect to be genuine and the blue-haired employee saw the extras falling for it. They had sympathy in their eyes for the other man but anger for their co-worker.

Aiden rolled his eyes again and fought back. "That's bull and you know it. We were at each other's throats till the next day. Anyway, I wanted to leave because I refuse to work under you."

"What's wrong with... hold on. You said you know nothing about me. Meaning you shouldn't have known I owned this company till we met. But you did know, judging by your initial behaviour. Does that mean you actually did look me up?" Erwin bent down to meet Aiden at eye level and the action caused the latter to take a step back. The former had a smug smirk resting on his face and Aiden fumed.

"I- no! I did not look you up. It was from that one time months ago. It just came to me when I entered."

"That still means you looked me up. In fact, it was even before I knew YOU existed. Does that mean... I win?"

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