Chapter 25 - What are you doing here?

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POV: Leo

I was currently seated in front of Mr. Chad Murphy. A very enraged, disgruntled and anxious Mr. Chad Murphy. To bring everyone up to speed, this interaction was set the day after our meeting. It was 9pm and no one was in The Hane Group's building, except us two. Not even the CEO, which was shocking considering what had occurred throughout the day. Basically at 8am, where there had been an anonymous leak of Mr. Murphy's... endeavours and misdeeds. Kind of like what happened to Borris 7 months ago. I wonder if it's the doing of the same person... 

Anyway, the information that was released out to the public was hard and factual evidence to back up the rumours Nero had mentioned yesterday as well as victim and witness testimonies against him. So you could say that the company had quite the eventful day. Reporters and paparazzi trying to get an exclusive interview with the man or any sort of statement. Staff members trying to kick them out and get back to their usual jobs. The internet was blowing up with the information for the entire day. Almost 95% of web users were against him with Twitter absolutely destroying him. The other 5% were defending him, saying that all the leaked information was fabricated and misinformation. Those 5% were most likely important business partners or employees who were undercover and trying to save face.

When the news had come out, I was in a state of shock but not because of Chad's past but rather due to the interesting coincidence of Nero putting the notion into my head the day before the shit went down. I had done some research about Chad after the meeting, for precaution's sake, however, there was nothing found so I assumed it to be baseless speculation. The timing of everything put a lot of suspicion on Nero and I was seriously considering him to be indeed dodgy. I would not be gobsmacked if he was some sort of underground information dealer. But that was an issue for another day. I had a certain vice-president to interrogate. Well... continue to interrogate. I'd already sat there and asked him to tell me everything from his point of view.

All I got back was a denial of every allegation. By the time he finished, I had knitted eyebrows and a sour look on my face. Neither of us said anything for a while and finally, I broke the silent tension. "I do hope you don't mind but I'm going to be talking quite informal from this point on."

Chad nodded to confirm it's fine. I added on,

"Chad... I really don't appreciate being lied to. There is hard evidence against you all over the internet. Your bloody face and features can clearly be seen in the security footages."

"I told you already! It's all fabricated! Someone dressed up like me and framed me!"

"Ok... why?"

The question dumbfounded him and he was lost for words for a second before stuttering out from the other side of the desk, "W-What?"

"You're saying that someone is going around dressing up as you and defaming your name. My question is why are they doing that? You're not even a social influencer. Just a simple businessman, no?"

The question seemed to unhinge him further and you could see him sweat a lot more on his face. He stammered out, "I-I-I don't know?! It is just some internet troll going after me. It's probably that cancel culture bullshit that this generation keeps going on about. Dragging every famous people through the mud!"

I contemplate on his reasoning. "Hmm... while I don't necessarily agree with cancel culture and don't follow its methodology, I know for a fact that that's not exactly how it works. Cancel culture target is digging up dirt on someone first and then blowing it out of proportion. My point is though, they first find the dirt. Now you're saying that it's some troll or the cancel culture kids who are orchestrating all this. That would mean there is dirt behind your name that they've found and now are blowing it out of proportion... right?"

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