Chapter 51 - Why does it smell like wet carpet?

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POV: Aiden

It'd been about a week since I began working for Nichola and boy, I did not sign up for this shit. Well, I never wanted to sign up for this in the first place anyway but my point was, this a lot more work than what was in the job description. After the initial check of what the fuck was going on with the control centre, it was found that they had fucked it up pretty badly. Well, maybe I'm being a little harsh on them. Essentially, the things they wanted implemented and how smooth they wanted it to run could not be supported by the current software slash system they had been running on. Even the way they set out things was an inconvenience. Furthermore, the processor, the graphics card, neural processor and the computer chip couldn't handle the expectations. Hence why they'd been coming across so many errors. 

All in all, they'd basically fucked up everything from the get-go and now they've got a couple of months to either tone done their ideas or restart from scratch. Worst of all, I think the final form of the car was meant to be officially revealed and tested in about four months. How they made it this far successfully was a mystery to me but hey, I'm glad I'd never bought one of their cars or else I'd probably rage at like, every aspect and break it with a sledgehammer. 

Ok, maybe I have anger issues sometimes. Just sometimes

Obviously, I scheduled an important meeting with all the higher ups, stating it was quite urgent and boy was it urgent. After hearing the news, everyone began full-blown panicking (except Mr. Fonzo and his assistant, who were eerily silent and weirdly calm about the entire thing) which turned into quickly accusing me as a fraud or a liar who was trying to sabotage the group, which is pointless considering I work in a completely field and we aren't even competitors. Luckily, I managed to calm them down by expressing that I was just doing my job by informing them, whether they believe me or not was completely on them. After that, it turned into a huge debate on what they should do with half the room saying to tone it down and the other half saying to put more money in for better equipment and doing it all over. It was interesting seeing fifty year old men arguing with each other like primary school kids. I had a good laugh after the meeting. 

Regardless, it was up to the boss and apparently, he decided to go with putting in more money and starting from scratch, which was cool and all but I had told him that it's going to take a shit ton of time and the only way they're going to make it was if they delay the reveal or make everyone involved work overtime until the date in four months, which broke like every ethics code if I wasn't wrong. People would quit their jobs if they had to do that and you'd never get the final product, let alone the technology you sent me here for.

This stirred up a new wave of complaints and shouting which began to do my head in but luckily, Fonzo icily told them to shut the fuck up. I must say, that man is fucking terrifying when he's pissed. It almost made me regret starting anything with him in the first place. Almost. 

Anyway, he said he could only delay it by three weeks, saying some bs reason on why he couldn't do any longer but I couldn't care less because it was still a pretty close call. He just resolved it by saying he'll talk to the ethics manager and he'll bribe everyone into staying by paying them 25% more than the usual wage, including overtime. I don't how he has that much money or where he got it from but any sugar baby who heard of his financial status would strip their clothes in public and immediately begin to lick his shoes in order to get his appeal. I didn't know how that's really appealing but he probably has some sort of weird kink.

I'm also sure it's not ethical to bribe the workers into more hours but eh, not my problem. Everyone in the room seemed hesitant with the decision, with some verbally showing their discontent but they eventually all decided to go along with it... for now.

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