Chapter 37 - Why do you keep doing that?

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POV: Nerovsky

"Do you hate me?"

Leo and I were on Leo's floor, in front of the elevators. I was beyond ticked off and it didn't help that the other man just had that stupidly handsome smirk resting on his face. The smirk doesn't disappear but his incredulous tone came back when he replied with,

"Now where on earth did you get that idea from?" The tone was very faux which really didn't help my temper. I'm seriously about to blow.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because of the fact you decide to grace us with your presence only to— why are you coming closer? Seriously, now the distance is socially unacceptable and you're moving closer."

Leo all of sudden brought his arms around my waist, similarly to last time (and coincidentally, we're in the same place as well. This floor was cursed confirmed) except this time, he reeled me in real close and his jaw was slacked open. My arms instinctively grabbed onto his shoulders as our chests collided together.

I was in sheer shock and confusion settled on my face. My brain had once again shut down and my face had erupted in heat. I look like Rudolph's nose I'm calling it now. I was completely stiff in his arms and my eyes widened as if I was a deer looking into headlights (once again). This man. Is going to be the legitimate death of me. Why does he keep doing this shit? It's not good for my fucking heart! He didn't explain or even acknowledge last time. Or even the time where we NEARLY KISSED?! Is he touch deprived but in denial? Does he do this with all of his employees or acquaintances? Because I am not here to sign up to be part of his groupie here. The amount of confusion these mixed signals he is sending me is worse than all three traffic lights turning on at the same time at an intersection. Some part of my brain was (more or less) functioning and the only thing I could do was breathily question, "W-W-What are you doing?" Smooth Nero. Real smooth.

My hard work was completely disregarded because not only does the other man ignore my question, he also brought up one of his thumbs and RAN IT ACROSS MY BOTTOM LIP UNTIL HE BEGAN PLAYING WITH THE RING IN THE CORNER OF MY MOUTH. Error! Error! The command centre has been nuked and has utterly dissipated. Permanently out of commission. I was basically melting in his arms because I had no idea what to do and was in going in overdrive. Well, actually I did know what to do. I just didn't really want to. Like who would voluntarily want to leave Leonardo Covell's arms. 

I was looking stupidly at the man and my mouth was slightly open. Maybe to secretly hint that he should kiss me but honestly, I was fine with him just messing with my piercing.

It was quiet between us for what felt like an eternity but Leo finally decided to break the silence again, except he said the most idiotic statement you could probably say in this current situation.

"You have a lip piercing. And the same neck Band-Aid."

That fucking snapped me out of it and I was utterly outraged. I gave him my meanest glare (I don't resist his hold). "Did you fucking seriously drag me into your arms to state the absolute obvious?" I purposefully ignored the latter comment.

That dumbfounded the other man, as if it was something he wasn't expecting. "Uh... yeah?"

I muttered, "Un-fucking-believable," under my breath and began struggling out his grip. What else were you expecting Nero? A kiss? Shut up other Nero. Instead of letting me go, however, the stupid boss tightened his grip further and kept me in my place. It was me who was flabbergasted now and absolutely tilted off the world's axis but it didn't stop me from bitterly spitting out, "Let. Me. Go."

"No." This man had the audacity to say it in a deadly serious tone with a dead serious face.

Cue the sputtering. "What?! Why?"

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