Chapter 41

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Bridget's POV

I sighed, my heart heavy as I watched my pack being put to rest. Coffins were placed on top of graves waiting to be lowered into the earth. There were around thirty of them. Thirty deaths excluding Autumn because she wasn't from pack. She couldn't be buried here, but later today we're travelling over to Jerome's old pack to see her put to rest. I stared at the top of the coffins. All the names engraved into each stone made my heart heavier with guilt. I looked at the list. I knew how everyone died, how they were killed, who they left behind. My stomach filled with so much guilt, I felt nauseous.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and I looked up at Jerome. He stood next to me, a sullen look on his face "Oh baby, I'm so sorry." He whispered, his eyes dull with sadness. I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you. For not dying, I don't think I could've survived that." I whispered.

"Let's get through today. Okay?" He replied, and I nodded.


The day was sullen and not a single smile on anyone's face. I felt a tear fall down my face and I quickly wiped it away. "Brent? Seth?" I called out, and they walked over. "See to it that the Robinsons are moved into the pack house. Both of their parents died in the battle. Oh, and I need you to make arrangements for everyone who lost someone is compensated." I instructed.

"Yes Alpha." They muttered sadly.

"Wait." I called out. They both turned. I walked over to Seth and hugged him tightly. He seemed shocked, but his arms tightened around me and he rested his head on top of mine. "Thank you." I whispered. He responded by hugging me tighter. We pulled apart, and I turned to Brent and hugged him. His familiar warmth encased me as he held on tightly.

"I'm sorry about your friends." He mumbled, and I sighed.

"They weren't my friends Brent, they were my people."

He hugged me tightly before we pulled back. Looking at the two of them, and nodded. Seth smiled at me before nodding. Brent looked at Jerome. "Autumn... she was alright. I'm sorry for your loss." He stated and Jerome tilted his head to the side, regarding him with a perplexed look.

"You're the only person to have said that to me. Weird since it's coming from you."

"Why's that?" Brent quipped back with a slight smirk.

"Because you hate me, and I hate you." Jerome muttered, and I sniggered. That's true.

"This looks like the beginning of a beautiful bromance." Seth joked and Jerome scoffed, rolling his eyes. There was a ghost of a smile on his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest. I shook my head, knocking my shoulder against his.

"Come on, we have to leave soon."

He nodded, and we made our way back to the pack house. "Theo!" I called out as I stepped out of the elevator. He came running out of his room. He didn't stop until he had wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and held him close.

"Could you please tell Eiya she wants to play with my toys but I don't want her to?" He pouted. I raised a brow at him before glancing at Jerome. He was trying not to laugh.

"No baby, you gotta share."

"B-but she wants to play with my favourite one." He pouted, his face falling in sadness. I bit my lip, trying to keep my humor at bay.

"That's not how it works, baby. You can take turns please, sweetheart." I asked, bending down to his level. He pouted before hugging. 

"Fine," he mumbled as Eiya came out of the room. She walked over shyly before handing Theo his toy. "No! You play with it."

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