Chapter 37

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Bridget's POV

I looked at the small girl as she slept on my lap. She was the only one who hadn't been violently beaten. Instead, they mess with her psyche, which I believe is absolutely disgusting. I've been here a few weeks and I hated how they mess with her. She's a goddamn child. I ran my hand through her hair, listening to her slowed heart beat. I wanted to get her out of here. Eiya didn't deserve this. She's barely even a child. None of them deserved this. What this guy was doing was inhumane. He... he's the real monster... he has to die.

I growled. And I'm going to make damn sure I will be the one to do it! Eiya whimpered, and I felt tears pooled in my eyes before softly rolling down my cheeks, I sobbed silently as I held the sleeping child in my arms. I saw Jessie limp her way over to me. Her face was scrunched up and I could tell she was in a great deal of pain. I looked her in the eyes and I held onto her hand and focused hard on trying to ease her pain. I was weak, due to one of Jarred's, famous injections and I knew this was going to hurt but I didn't care.

I watched her eyes widen as her pain transferred to me. I grunted as it felt like my knee cap was just shattered. Another wave of pain slammed into me and I felt my head go dizzy. But I persevered. Jessie shook her head "Bridget stop, that's enough, you're hurting yourself." She hissed, getting the attention of everyone in the room. I shook my head. For some reason, despite the weakness that racked my soul I felt as if my body was filling up with this indescribable power as I thought of everyting Jarred had put me thorugh... had put my friends through. I was just so goddamn tired of feeling powerless.

The full moon was tonight and I along with every werewolf felt extra powerful tonight. I opened my eyes, and I heard a few collective gasps as I grinned. My teeth elongated and I felt the partial shift coming along. My face tingled as my snout re alinged itself. I felt my body morph into my beast. I could have just fully shifted but I was more powerful this way though it took a lot more out of me. I carefully took Eiya off my lap and Trish cuddled up to her not once taking her eyes off me. I couldn't form words properly but I could still talk well grunt out letters. I stalked over to the bars and gripped them tightly. I felt sharp shocks but there wasn't a deep burn like there usually was. I blamed it on the shift before I pulled the door towards me.

It didn't budge so I did it again and again until I felt the lock snap. I turned to the others morphing back into myself. For some reason everything seemed to be in clearer focus but I could see the shock written on their faces even without this hightened sense. I cracked my neck and sat back down casually glancing back up at everyone.

"We're going to need a plan so snap out of it and help me figure out how we are going to use this to our advantage." I said harshly. They all nodded.

After twenty minutes we had a plan. I grinned as I thought about the outcome. We could go home.

I straddled Evan and placed my hands gently around his throat not actually applying any pressure. He winked at me but I just rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. Carlson rushed up to the bars and yelled out a loud help. The door was unlocked but it was still shut so they wouldn't know it.

Jessie and Trish "attempted" to pull me off but I snarled at them as the guards came, there were three of them, all human. Evan pretended to fight me off before pretending to pass out. The humans fumbled with the lock. I could see Carlson snigger as the short stocky blonde basically fell through the door. They rushed to me and before they touched me I jumped up and snapped the first guys neck. I was so fast his body hadn't even hit the floor yet before I attacked the second guy. Whilst I was fighting Jessie had rushed the younger girls out of the cell. I heard the shuffle of their feet as they bolted down the halls.

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