Chapter 3

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And so chapter three begins


Bridget's POV

I was dodging trees left and right, the scent of pine and Oakwood drifted into my senses, I was pushing my legs to go faster, not caring that I was near the edge of my land. Today was off to a crappy start. I jumped over a fallen tree, my feet slapped against the dirt as I landed, it flew up as I broke out into another sprint. I threw myself into the lake headfirst. The water surrounded me, blurring my vision as I submerged myself into the coolness of the lake; the heat radiating from me dispersed into the lake. Once I resurfaced, I took a drink before letting myself relax. I floated on my back as I stared at the trees above; they shielded most of the blue abyss that was the sky. The light wind caused the trees to sway their tall spears littering the forest floor with their multi-coloured productions that we call leaves. I inhaled deeply. The scents of the world around drifted into focus. There was a deer about six miles east. I was debating whether to go on a hunt when a new but horrid smell drifted into my senses. I quickly swam to the bank of the river and shifted. I shook out my red fur and lifted my snout into the air where I took a long sniff.


Anger immediately pulsated through me, I could feel the hatred pouring out as if a visible line of flame connected me to my prey. "Get down to the eastern border, Brent. There is a rogue on our land." I barked through our link, a black hatred in my tone. In less than six minutes he was here beside me, his tanned fur brushed against mine as we got into our attack stances. We followed the scent, moving silently as we perused this threat. In the bushes in front of us reeked of the creature, I saw a flash of dark brown and I immediately attacked, I lunged at it and slammed my paws into it pushing them to the ground roughly I bared my teeth and as I was about to sink them into the creatures disgusting flesh Brent tackled me to the ground. I saw it jump up and back behind a tree.

"Brent what the hell do you think you are doing; I am your Alpha never disrespect me like that again friend or not I'll-"

"He's a kid Bridget." Brent snapped cutting me off, I recoiled in shock. I glanced towards the rogue, he was crouched low towards the ground; his ears were pinned back, and his lip was raised into a scared snarl. His eyes were a deep blue, and they were filled with terror. I walked behind a tree and shifted, throwing on some spare clothes I stashed around. Slowly I walked towards him he barked a warning, I held out my hands signalising I would not hurt him I held out my hand he etched towards me slowly, he lifted his head and sniffed me, I slowly knelt to the ground, he was watching my moves intently, hanging onto every movement. His eyes were calculating the scene in front of him. As if sensing I wasn't a risk, he snuggled his wolf's head into my hand and I ran my hand through his matted fur. I felt a wetness on my hand and when I pulled back to see what it was, I gasped, he was wounded.

"Did I do that?" I asked Brent. He looked the boy over and shook his head no.

"You didn't but see this." Brent said, concern lacing his tone. I looked the boy over. His fur was a deep brown, almost black colour, but it was covered in harsh scars and most of his fur was matted with blood. I felt as if my breath had solidified and lodged itself in my throat. Who would do this to a child?

"Can you shift back for me, please?" I asked, my voice gentle. The boy looked at me and shook his head.

"Maybe he doesn't know how?" Brent suggested and I nodded, "Is that true little one?" Brent asked, and the boy shied away looking towards me I nodded. He pawed at the ground, upset with himself.

"Don't feel bad, it's okay. All you must do is think about your human self, your hands, fingers, arms, toes, legs, etcetera. Can you do that for me?" I said, the cub nodded and after a few tries his human self was crouching in front of me. Brent placed a blanket around him, and I picked him up. I studied him; he couldn't have been older than ten. Meaning he was too young to be shifting, doing it could kill him I wonder why he chanced it, disregarding that thought for a moment I noticed something his whole body was covered in old scars, cuts in various stages of healing, burn marks littered his skin. His eyes were now more of a green colour, his hair was a dark brown much like his wolf and it too was mixed with blood. He wrapped his arms around my neck and sobbed.

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