Chapter 14

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Jerome's POV

I wasn't so happy about Bridget going to see Brent, but they are still friends and I can't expect her to not see him because I don't like him. I'd never do that. I walked across the grass towards the fountain where I saw Seth; he was laughing with some girl. His mate, I'm guessing. He noticed me and waved me over. I jogged up towards the fountain crossing the small grass patch I got there quickly Seth winked at me.

"So did I just see you making out with our Alpha." He questioned raising a brow. I stared at him, shocked that he had seen us. I pursed my lips and grinned.

"That you did." I said, smirking.

"You move fast, brother." He laughed, I shrugged.

"It's not like that. If I tell you something could you keep it a secret until it's announced." I said sheepishly, Seth nodded, and he looked towards the girl. She smiled politely.

"She's good with secrets too." Seth said with a smile. He looked at her with so much love it was quite sweet. Though I'd never tell him that.

"I was making out with your Alpha because she's my mate." I said proudly. Seth stared at me and blinked, not saying anything. Until he grinned at me he stood up and hugged me, slapping me on the back as you do.

"Congratulations Jerome. I'm glad you found each other." He said supportively.

"Yeah congratulations." The girl said. I turned to her.

"Sorry I didn't ask for your name."

She smiled at me, "I'm Eva. Seth's mate." She blushes as Seth kissed her cheek. Cute.

"Isn't she gorgeous? I mean, I hit the mate jackpot." He gloated, causing me to chuckle.

"Seth shush." She mumbled softly, causing him to laugh. I twirled the keys into my hand, looking towards the packhouse.

"Well, I best get going, I have to meet Bridget in her room," I said not realising how that would come across "not for that. " I quickly added Seth wiggled his eyebrows at me and I flipped him off.

"Bye it was since meeting you." Eva smiled, and I nodded.

"You too." I said before parting ways with the happy couple.

I surveyed the floor once I had gotten out of the elevator it had a warm and comfortable feeling to it. The walls were painted a light cream colour that made the dark wood floor pop I ventured on forward noticing the kitchen on the left. It too was a simple but intricate design, hard tiled floor with marble countertops and glass cupboards it was well designed. I walked to the room at the end of the hallway and opened the large mahogany door, pushing them outwards. Once I focused on what was inside, I grinned. This girl has two offices. This one was smaller and was used for what imagined was storage. Many boxes were stacked along the back wall, covered in dust. This room wasn't used much, I assumed as I shut the door. I turned to the bedrooms. There were maybe three bigger ones and two smaller ones for guests. I think. I opened a door to one of the rooms, hoping it was Bridget's. It wasn't it belonged to a small boy he turned as the door open and shot out of bed he grabbed the child size baseball bat in his hands and pointed at me. I could smell his fear. My eyes widened, and I threw my hands up to show I wasn't a threat.

"Hey, hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a friend of Bridget, she gave me keys. Look." I said holding them up. He stared at me sceptically before he lowered the bat, not letting it go completely. He walked closer to me and stared at me.

"Your friends with my momma?"

My stomach dropped. She has a child, why has she never mentioned this before. Hurt rippled through me for a brief moment.

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