Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


Jerome's POV
I crossed off the third warehouse as we returned from that disappointing waste of time. I growled and threw the marker at the wall. She has to be in one of these. We have been searching for three weeks. Each day a new destination... each day a new disappointment. We travelled six hours today just to be let down. It was infuriating.

I shoved open the bedroom door and dropped into the bed throwing the blankets over me. Willing for the day to end.

And soon enough it did. I fell into a dreamless sleep wanting nothing more than to be holding her tightly in my arms.



I walked into the office and I slumped down onto the chair hanging my head in my hands.

"Cheer up Romeo we'll find her." Rose's voice called out as she sat down on the couch. I glanced over at her she looked tired, probably because she too has been on every one of our trips. I tried to get her to stay behind fearing she would get hurt but she told me if I didn't let her come she'd fit herself into a trunk and she'd go that way. And I don't doubt she would. So I let her but she has to stay by my side at all times. She's listened so far. Cody too although he acts tough I know he's worried for his sister.

"Let's review the facts," she mumbled. "She was taken from the east border, thrown into a van and they drove north," she mumbled to herself. She does this a lot. Voicing her thoughts. "They drive to a warehouse near mile marker 48. There's ten warehouses around that route... the left three are vacant... so that leaves four...
Four... these four are around 10 minutes apart from each other by car..." She shot up off the sofa a bright grin on her face.

"They're 10 minutes apart from each other! All four are 10 minutes apart from each other!" She yelled and then it hit me.

"They own them all!" I said jumping up. She grinned at me and rushed over to the map. And pointed to the middle one.

"It's the biggest, it's right in the middle of the four. It's promising." She grinned. I pulled her into a hug.

"You're a genius!" I grinned as I pulled back. I turned to her with a serious look in my eyes.

"Go and sleep or I'll leave without you tomorrow." I ordered she huffed but agreed. She stalked out of the office and made her way down the hall.

I grinned as I made my way out of the office. I walked into the dining room to find breakfast in full swing. I made a large plate and sat next to Seth.

"What's got you so chipper this morning?" Asked Seth. I stared at him dead in the eye.

"Were getting her back. Today. I think we've got down her location. The remaining four warehouse are only ten minutes apart from each other. All four. So the middle one is my best guess. I can feel it in my gut. We're going to get her back." I mumbled shovelling some food into my mouth.

Seth clapped me on the shoulder a large smile on his face. "That's awesome. I'll be right with you when we get her back." I smiled and finished eating my breakfast.


I sat nervously in the back of the van. I was bouncing my foot up and down, well I was until Rose slapped my arm. I raised a brow at her.

"Stop doing that. It's annoying!" She snapped causing me to laugh.

"You and Bridget are one in the same. So violent you women." I muttered, Seth laughed at my expression. I was just filled with this endless amount of energy, my hopes were high and I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but this is promising. It's the most promising lead we have.

Soon enough we were there. It was nightfall now giving us the advantage we parked around six miles away from the warehouses and we all piled out of the van. Me, Seth, Rose, Donte and Jason got out of the van and the others including Brent and Cody got out of the others. There were 40 of us. This is a massive sting so we need to infiltrate from all angles.

"Okay so this is how it's going to go down, we split up into four groups of 10 and we go to our marks. The middle one is mine. Brent Donte and Jason, you'll lead the other groups to the surrounding warehouses. Don't show them any mercy, they took your Alpha. They need to pay. Well meet back in the middle with everyone who was taken. I don't need to stress how important this is, but be careful. This is dangerous and I completely understand if any of you want to back out but now is the time to say so." I instructed staring pointedly at Rose. She scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest, I glanced towards Cody. He too seemed insulted the not so subtle hints I was dropping. They are her blood and if they get hurt because I let them come along, I wouldn't forgive myself and in reality, I don't think she'd forgive me either. If I was in her position I w... no would I forgive her because I can't live without her. So

"Fine. Let's get going," I grumbled "but you two are with me." I said harshly. They nodded and stood by my side; I really am against them coming but I don't think they are going to listen. I nodded and let them continue to listen to the group.

"We should play coy," suggested Reece. He looked around at us as we waited for him to continue. "What I mean by that is one of us should find a guard and once they have taken them inside, we should relay back the information until we can either kill or knock out the guard. Then we can find Alpha Sage and bust her out of there," he explained the rest of us were silent, I was contemplating the idea "or not..." He mumbled; I shook my head.

"No... it's a good idea but who? If they see me, they will know there's an attack coming so it's just about figuring out who is the right fit for the job." I said looking at everyone. After a few minutes of debating we were ready to know.


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