Chapter 33

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Bridget's POV

I could feel the van roll to a stop we had been driving for a few hours, I assumed because it was now dark. The three men who were guarding me tightened their grip on their guns as they pointed them at me. The back of the van swung open and three more men showed up to drag me out. I fought as best I could being restrained. Normally I would have broken out of the metal but it was thick and dipped in silver causing a permanent burning sensation in my wrists. My feet were shackled together, making it harder to walk.

I slammed my elbow into one guy's stomach, but they just responded with a harsh yet painful jab hit my face. By the fine I reached what looked to be a warehouse I had three new bleeding cuts. My lip, my eyebrow and my nose. But they were healing faster than theirs, so I was chipper about that. They dragged me forward. I buried my feet in the soil, trying my best to slow them down, but my only result was pissing them off.

"Just stop resisting. This will be a lot easier on you." A girl spat as she shoved me forward. I kicked out my leg, breaking the shackle before I slammed my foot into the head of the guy pushing me forward. He groaned as I kicked him in the nuts. I pulled to the side the guard on my left released me as I span around kicking him too. The girl came barrelling towards me, a knife in her hands. I used the cuffs on my wrists to trap her hand. I twisted her hand and smirked as it popped out of place. She screamed and dropped the knife, causing it to clatter against the floor. I kicked her backwards as I unravelled the chain from around her hands. She went flying backwards, and I pulled my body to the side dodging a hit from the third guard. I dropped to the floor, and I picked up the knife. Standing I slammed it into his chest and grinned as he dropped to his knees. Blood spurted from his chest staining my shoes. I turned and saw five hunters all pointing their guns at me. I cracked my neck as I bolted forward. I jumped and twisted my body avoiding the oncoming flurry of bullets. I landed on the guy at the end snapping his neck in an instant. I pushed him in front of me using his to shield me from the bullets heading my way. I grabbed his gun and shot at the others. Three went down before I ran out of bullets. I pushed the body forward as I brought my hands up to shield my head a bullet shot through the silver cuff on my left arm.

"Thanks." I yelled as I stabbed the end of his gun into his stomach firing it before I moved on to the next guy. He tackled me to the ground and the other guy pulled me up holding my hands behind my back. The other guy stood in front of me and he got a couple good hits in before I used the man who was holding me as support before I jumped up kicking the man in front of me backwards a few feet. He landed in the floor with a hard thud.

Now for the guy holding me. I smashed my head back into his face causing him to groan and let go o swirled around jumped up and kicked him right in the face he was out. I landed on the ground in a squat. My eyes were glowing as I glared at the new threats that just kept arriving. My chest was rising and falling quickly, my breath was ragged and full of rage, my body shook with anger as they advanced on me.

Soon enough I was surrounded and I couldn't see and out. So I was going to make one. They advanced on me all at once ambushing me. I charged forward killing as many as them as I could.

I felt something hit me across the back of my head.


My world started to spin, and my vision blurred. Someone slammed their fist into my stomach causing me to drop to my knees in a coughing fit. And from then on they knew they had won. I was going to fight until I died. And I tried. A boot came into my line of vision slamming into my face. Pain flared throughout my body as I felt them kick and kick. The darkness crowded my vision until I could no longer see. My body fell to the floor and I could feel the gravel stab into me. My consciousness was slipping and fast. That lady thing I saw was a back boot before I was out.

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