Chapter 28

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Jerome's POV
I quickly pulled myself out of the pool, chasing after her. She looked back at me, her eyes widening as I was gaining on her. She ducked into the house I laughed as I slid through the door almost crashing into Eva. She laughed at me. I looked up and saw her hiding behind Seth.

"As my Beta, it's your job to protect me. So don't let him get me." She rushed out Seth puffed out his chest, his eyes challenging me. His large grin confirmed he was joking. I tried to sidestep him to grab her as she squealed and ducked back around.

"She pushed me into the pool." I grumbled, running a hand through my wet hair. Seth turned to Bridget and cocked his brow. She turned to me and glared at me.

"You threw me into the pool first!" She exclaimed, pointing at me. I smiled sheepishly and shrugged at her. She rolled her eyes and walked over to me. She grabbed my hand a wry smile on her face "you have to be in town in an hour you need to get an outfit for tomorrow's party. Eva go and get Casey and Rose and make sure they are ready, I need a dress." She grinned as she began pulling me out of the room.

We reached our floor and as soon as the doors closed behind us I gently pushed her against the wall my body pressed against hers I could feel the heat radiating from her body despite our dampened clothes. "Bridget?" I whispered her eyes snapped up to mine a heated look in her hazel orbs. I buried my face into the crook of her neck using my nose to trace down her neck.

"Jerome." She gasped out as I bit down lightly on her mark. I traced my hand up to her waist and under her shirt. I smirked as her breath hitched as her hands traced down my chest a dark look in her eyes. I neared my face down to hers my lips brushing against hers.

"I need to shower. I smell like chlorine." I said as I pushed myself off the wall shattering our moment. With a smirk I turned away and walked to my room. I looked back, and she was still where I left staring at me.

"Payback for pushing me in the pool." I gloated using the private link we created when we marked each other. I heard her growl before a door slammed.

I opened my door and walked straight to my bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and hopped in the shower.

Once I had finished, I shrugged on a shirt and my dark blue jeans and slipped into my trainers. I spritzed on some cologne and then left. I poked my head out of the door to see if Bridget was ready. She wasn't.

Despite everything that has happened between the two of us in these past few months I honestly wouldn't change it. Well, I'd have pushed away my pride a lot quicker and actually acknowledged my feelings for her sooner and like tried not to be a complete dick to her.

I made my way to the kitchen to grab a snack. I rummaged through the cupboard and grinned when I saw a bar of chocolate I ripped open the packaging and chomped down on the bar the chocolaty goodness melted in my mouth.

"Jerome?" I heard her call out.

"Kitchen." I yelled.

She came sauntering in her long tanned legs were on show as the dress she was wearing stopped just past the middle of her thigh the black material hugged her perfectly even though it wasn't a tight dress her body filled out in all the right places and the slight v neck showed off her cleavage. I tried not to stare, but it was impossible. I smirked at her whistling my approval. She rolled her eyes at me before waking over to me and stealing my chocolate bar.

"Hey! That's mine." I pouted she just bit into it the caramel dripped out of it falling onto her lip. I grinned as I brought my thumb up and wiped it off before licking it off my thumb. She turned on her heels and began walking she grabbed something off the stool before she tossed it at me.

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