"Yeah, when I was six. My dad left me here without a penny. He said I should reach floor 200 before coming home. It took two years" I knew that he was that kind of father but I didn't think he would take it to the extreme, damn, I even made a promise with him as well.

'Two years... Sure, he was only six, but it really took Killua that long?'  questioned Gon to himself as he stared at he silver one beside him, Saiki just watched with interest.

"If you want to fight people of Hisoka's level, you'll need to go higher. Let's hurry"

"People of Hisoka's level.... so like Saiki-nii? Ah, never mind" shook Gon when he saw the questionable face of Killua when he mentioned Saiki's level.

'True that Killua wasn't there to see nii-san's strength, but I bet that he knows that Saiki-nii is strong in every way'  thought Gon as he glanced at the said older teen before looking towards the small fighting stadium below.

"#1973. #2055. Please enter ring E"

"#2055! That's me! I'm getting nervous now" exclaimed Gon as he jumped from his seat in surprised before releasing a small whimper and sliding off his back.

"Gon, you got through the Testing Gate, right?"

"Huh? yes, but even Nii-san did..."

"Hmm, but this is your moment and in that case... " A hidden smile at the scene.

_Ring E_

"Look at that! It's a little boy! Hey, kid! This is your last chance to run! This ain't a game! One punch, and he'll fly out of the ring!" shouted one of the audience at the sight of Gon, teasing the said younger teen a bit, turns out, it was just a man who was sitting in the same row as Killua and Gon. Killua in the other hand just looked at the man before smiling, Saiki too, was smiling in the inside.

"On the first floor, we appraise each participant's level. You are allowed three minutes to demonstrate your prowess. Then... Begin!" shouted the referee after explaining the rules.

"Sorry... I'll end your suffering with one punch" smirked the opponent as he did an attempt punch to Gon's face. However, Gon had an upper advantage, he was just a fast child with quick reflexes, a dodge.

"You got through the Testing Gate, right?"

"Huh? yes, but even Nii-san did..."

"Hmm, but this is your moment and in that case, all you have to do is push hard" A glance at Saiki, a nod of encouragement. Just push....


Exactly as he said to himself, Gon had pushed his opponent out of the ring with only one hand. Said once cocky man went flying and created a dent in the barricaded walls for the audience. The once teasing audience in the stand was in shock as well while both Killua and Saiki raised a thumbs up. Cheers than erupted from the other audiences  who kept an eye on Gon's short fight.

'When did I become so strong?'

"#2055, proceed to floor 50" informed the referee once he estimated Gon's strength and giving him a piece of paper. Taking it, Gon smiled and agreed.

Right after his match, Killua was up and the same thing had happened. He just gave a hard push, advancing to the level floor assigned to him. The referee that was assigned to the ring where he was in was about to give Killua his level, but noticed something strange.

"Huh? You've already been to the 200th floor? And this was a strong performance. Very well. You may go to the 180th floor..." calculated the man but was stopped.

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