Chapter eleven~ Hollis

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My thoughts were interrupted when Annika walked into the class and sat down beside me.

"Hey stranger." I said with a small smile.

"Hi Holls. Teacher still not here, huh?" She said sitting down.

"Nope late as always. Where's Brey?" I asked.

"Skipping per usual." She said rolling her eyes.

I nodded and started pulling out my notebook.

I kI begin saying what was on my mind," Ann you know your my best friend and I will support you through anything. i don't want things to be weird between us, I just want to understand."

She sighed, "I know Holls. Truth is you know I'm not straight and neither is Brooke. I really like her and I think she likes me. Even though we're both girls doesn't mean we cant love like everyone else. It doesn't mean its a phase or a hookup. I'm really serious about this Hollis."

I shook my head," No yeah, I know. I'm sorry Niki. I know my opinion doesn't really matter with your love life but I'm okay with this."

She smiled and then we heard the teacher come in.

"Sorry I'm late, lets take attendance now though!" He said.

Annika quickly hugged me and mouth "thank you."

I could finally see everything getting back to normal now. Not normal normal but the good new normal.


My morning classes were finally over and it was time for lunch. I've been looking forward to this all day. 

I had just started sitting with Owen, Liam, Beck and his girlfriend, Mona. It was a pretty fun table, oddly better than the Annika and Breya table.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw Owen,Beck and Mona sitting there. I walked over and sat down next  to Owen.

He kissed me on the cheek and said, "Hey sunshine."

I smiled, "Hi."

"Hows your classes so far?" He asked me.

"Boring as usual. You?" I replied.

"Same here." He answered.

I nodded and reached out for his hand. He looked at my hands and entwined ours together.

I smiled and Beck seemed to notice.

"So you guys are really a thing." He smirked.

"Yeah, I think so. Same answer as yesterday and the day before then and the day before that too." I answered him.

Liam came over to the table and sat down frantically.

"Guys don't be weird about it, Sydney's sitting with us." He said quickly

"Sydney, like the Sydney whom we keep hearing about." Beck asked with a surprised look.

"Yes, Beckham. Again, don't be weird." Liam answered.

Just then, Sydney came out of the hallway and sat down next to Liam.

"Hey." She said with a smile and wave.

We all said our hellos and then Beck said,

"So youre the Sydney Marien, the one we keep hearing about." He emphasized the.

She laughed, " I think so."

"So has Liam asked you to Hoco yet?" Mona asked.

I could feel Owen's hands squeeze mine.

Accidentally On PurposeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ