Chapter forty-four~ Hollis

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"Do you want my fries or something?" Luke laughed.

"Yes please." I said, pushing over my empty plate.

"You nervous?" He asked me while sliding his plate over to me.

"Yes. Really, really nervous." I admitted, "You?"

"Extremely nervous."

I popped a really salty french fry in my mouth, "I really really hope this baby is okay."

"Me too, Holls." He agreed, "Me too."

From the very beginning, I could tell he was attached to this baby. I told him not to be but truthfully it was hard not to be.

It was our little person, our own little human. 

It was such a scary yet exciting thing. I was already so attached.

I would always rub my hand against my belly for comfort. In public, I'd subtly brush my hand across it, if nobody was looking I'd rest my hand on it.

Really, I had grown fond of the fact I had my own little baby in there and wasn't scared or mad anymore.

I really really just wished this kid was okay.

"So the house." Luke brought up.

"The house?" I repeated.

"The hypothetical house." He corrected.

I took a bite at the remaining bits of fries on my plate, watching him struggle to convince me about this house.

Truthfully, I was pretty sold on getting a house. If this baby was happening, then our one bedroom apartment wouldn't cut it.

But then again, if my birthday drinking really affected the baby, and if I was or had miscarried the baby then there was no need for more space.

Either way, it was fun to watch him squirm a little bit.

"Look, we have a baby on the way and were gonna buy a house at some point along the way so why not now. We can afford it anyway, Lis." He explained.

The waiter came over, took our plates and left the check.

"If the baby is alright, then yes, we'll look at houses. We'll need a house." I settled, "But if not, then it's just unnecessary right now."

"Okay, deal." He said, signing the check.


We got to the doctors appointment twenty minutes later. My nerves were insane while waiting in the small doctors office.

Luke knew that and tried to bring up random things, in hopes of distracting me. 

It didn't but it was sweet.

There was little knock on the door, followed by the doctor coming in.

 "Hi there. I'm Doctor Kelly." She peeked down at her notes, "How are we doing today, Hollis?"

"Fine. You?" I answered.

"Fine, myself." She said, sitting down on a white spinny chair in the corner.

"So you're about seven weeks from what my notes say. Any concerns before we get started?" She asked me.

Luke looked at me and I nodded, giving him the signal I'd tell Dr. Kelly.

"Well, my birthday was early December , a few weeks after it was conceived and I was drinking a lot that day. Plus a few glasses of wine throughout the weeks before I knew" I rambled, "I was drinking a lot in the month before I found out." 

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