Chapter seven~Hollis

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Today was Saturday and it was the morning of the big Halloween party.  Annika, Breya and I were all at the mall trying to find out the perfect things to go with our costumes. But also Annika and I wanted to have a little intervention with Breya.

Ever since the first day of school, Annika were trying to figure Breya out but we couldn't quite do it. Today was the day.

The girls and I had just arrived at Forever21 and were picking out the main pieces of our costumes~ the shirt, vest,pants and shoes.

¨How do you like this one?¨ Annika said holding up a pastel colored tye dye shirt. 

¨Cutee. You could like pair it with these flared jeans.¨ I said. I pulled out a random pair of denim flared jeans and help them up to her.

¨Oh my god yes! I'll just wear my Burks and pick up some obnoxious accessories at Claires.¨

Breya came walking over with a bunch of clothes in hand.

¨I dont know how I feel about this one.¨ Breya sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was holding a long boho cardigan with many intricate patterns on it. She also had flared denim jeans with little patches. She had also grabbed a cropped white tank. It was actually really cute.

¨Its cute Brey.¨ I said reassuringly.

¨Yeah I like it.¨ Annika added.

¨Hmm I might go with it then.¨ Breya replied.

¨You should.¨ I said.

My started buzzing and I looked down.

Owen: Just checking in :) hows everything going?

I smiled.

Everything is going pretty good. Still looking tho.

Owen: cant wait to see.

¨Lis!¨ I heard Annika's voice yell.

I looked up at her.

She was holding up a basic over sized tye dye shirt. It had dark green, navy, yellow and magenta. I was kind of loving it.

¨It would look so good with your dark hair and tan.¨ Annika squealed.

¨ Not gonna lie, I kind of love it. I'll just wear shorts and my white vans.¨ I replied excitedly.

¨ You cant wear that. You'll look better than me.¨ Breya said bitterly.

I couldnt tell if she was trying to hype me up in some weird way or if she was being serious.

¨What?¨ i said confused.

¨ Yeah what the hell do you mean?¨ Annika replied, even more confused.

¨ If you keep going out like that then practically all the guys will be obsessed with you and none left for us. Am I right, Annika?¨ Breya said rolling her eyes.

¨ Actually if she wants all the guys then good for her. Im gay so I dont really give a shit.¨ Annika shrugged, clearly still pissed.

¨ Breya, you cant be serious right now?¨ I said laughing.

¨ Whatever. Im going to pay so do whatever you want.¨ She said walking off.

¨Seriously, what the fuck is her issue?¨ Annika scoffed.

¨I have no idea. Maybe we should just leave her be for awhile?¨ I suggested.

¨Yeah. Want to finish shopping with her and maybe go out to eat without her?¨ Annika said.

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