Chapter twenty-nine~ Hollis

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Owen grew a fucking beard. He refuses to shave it.

That was the first text I woke up to at 10:46 AM. 

I was late, our nail and wax appointment was in fifteen minutes. I had to do with being late and now that.

Owen and I hadn't been talking much since Easter. There wasn't anything kind I had to say to him and if I said something that was actually on my mind, then we'd probably be in a bigger fight.

And he was blowing up my phone the first day but then he stopped trying. 

Him not even trying to try to harder really showed how much he actually cared.

He even moved away to his dad's fancy house. He was being a coward.

Fight, fight , fight.

That's all we did and I couldn't afford that today.

I threw on leggings, flip-flops and a sweatshirt and rushed out the house to the nail salon.

I got there one minute late and was greeted by Mona and Sydney picking out their colors.

"We thought you were ditching us." Sydney said, laughing.

"I was only a minute late." I said, looking at the colors.

Mona shrugged, "Lis, what do you think of this color?" 

She was holding up a brown, not an obnoxious one but a calmer tone.

"You're wearing gold, right?" I asked.


"Then yes, go with the brown. What are you doing Syd?" I asked her.

I didn't want to clash or match with her.

"I'm doing nude." She answered while holding up the little nail dip bottle.

I picked a white one off the shelf, it would look good with the green, "Then I'll go with white."

The ladies took us to the seats and got started.

Before we knew it, our nails were done. Onto our toes.

Before one of the ladies moved us all to the pedicure chairs.

"The waxing table is open." Another lady said, coming into the room.

I looked at the girls, "Who's going in first?" 

"You, it's your first time! Lis is going first!" Mona said immediately.

I laughed at how enthusiastic she was about it.

"Wish me luck, ladies." I said and walked into the waxing room, proudly.


Not gonna lie, the waxing hurt but now I was ready to go. My nails were painted and I was all shaved and waxed. I had my makeup and hair done. I was feeling good.

I slipped into my long emerald dress and felt like a real life princess. Mona wanted to do the photos in some field on the other side of town. She called it the "crush woods".

As kids, everybody went down there when they had a crush on someone and tried manifesting a relationship. It never actually worked but they still did it.

It sounded nice and oddly comforting to me. I wish I had something like that growing up.

I was excited to go but I was also nervous. Owen was gonna be there, I hope it isn't wasn't going too awkward. After all, he was my prom date.

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