Chapter thirty-four~ Owen

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"Didn't think I'd see you calling." Natalie said, picking up the phone.

"You say that every time I call. Plus, it's not like this is one of those dine and dash situations." I replied with a smile.

She, of course, couldn't tell that I was smiling.

"Oh Owen, did you just compare our sex life to dining in a restaurant?" She asked with a laugh.

"The phrase just seemed perfect." I confessed.

And it really did. Natalie and I had been hooking up all summer. I felt weird about it, to be completely honest. I had feelings for her but not feelings like the ones I have for Hollis. I liked her that way but at the same time, I didn't.

"What are you doing today?" She asked before I got the chance.

"Hopefully spending the day with you."

I heard her laugh in the other end, " Now, Owen. Do you really think I'm that easy?" 

"On the contrary-" I said with a smirk.

"Owen, wowww." She said in disbelief.

"No, you're not that easy. How about a date? I can take you somewhere nice." I suggested.

Silence on the other end.

"In public? I don't know." She said simply.

"What do you not wanna be seen with the captain of the football team?"I asked.

"Former captain of the football team." She corrected, "But no, it's not that. I just-"

"Look, it's my last day before Waylon state. I wanna spend it with you, Allie." I confessed.

She didn't say anything.

"How about we go hiking? I know this pretty sick trail that nobody really goes." I suggested.

"Sure. What time would you happen to be there?" She asked me.

Yes, she's down!  


"I'll see you there."

And then she hung up.


"Look at that! You showed!" Natalie said, jumping off a nice boulder.

"Look at that." 

"I was a little concerned you were gonna be ditching me." She admitted.

"Me? Ditching the one and only Natalie Avril Craine. As if." I said acting shocked.

It was still kinda weird sleeping with her when she was Luke Craine's cousin. I normally blocked that thought out of my head but sometimes I couldn't.

"So shall we get hiking up this monstrous trail." She said gesturing towards the slope.

"Indeed we shall." I answered.

We trudged up for a few minutes without difficulty and then it started getting a bit harder. Overgrown bushes and vibes blocked the majority of the once well kept hiking trail.

"See, the big ole wilderness is so much better than a restaurant." She she brought it.

"This big ole thing?"I said in a funny accent.

"This big ole thing." She repeated in my same accent.

Her impression of my impression was also not very impressive. 

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