Chapter forty-two~Owen

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Same day, minutes later.

"What's with her?" My mom asked, as she walked in the house.

We were twenty minutes into decorating the Christmas tree when Hollis ran to the sink, puking.

"Long drive, strong smells." I answered, putting a sparkly snowflake ornament on the tree.

"God, you're  right. What are they putting in those trees to make it smell like that?" She responded.

"Pesticides." Liam said.

Esme walked up and pulled my mom into a tight hug.

"Lis, you okay?" Travis asked her.

She put her head underneath the sink faucet and started gurgling the tap water.

She gave a thumbs up motion and turned off the faucet. She then leaned her body onto the marble counter top.

"I'm just gonna go hit the shower. I'll be down in a few." She told everyone.

I watched her as she walked around the living room and up the stairs. Heading towards her old bedroom shower, most likely.

We continued to talk and decorate as Hollis showered. I was watching Waco for her, though he kept trying to play with Copper.

The clock kept fucking away and it had now been a little less than a half hour since she had gone up.

Lynleigh walked up from behind me and nudged my shoulder, "Can you go check on Hollis? Give her these, too."

She held out two tiny, circular, red pills.


"Yep, be right back." I nodded.

I walked up the stairs and into her room. The bathroom door was shut  and the water was running.

I walked over and knocked on the white bathroom door.

"Hey, you good?" I yelled over the noise.

"Yeah. The water helped." She yelled back.

"Lyn gave me ibuprofen for you. I'm gonna leave it on the night stand, okay?" I told her.

"Okay, thanks you, O." She replied.

I walked across the room to the nightstand beside her bed. I placed the two tiny pills on the small circular table.

Her phone started ringing.

"Holls, your phone's ringing. Want it?" I told her

"Can you just grab that for me? That might be Luke calling about the game." She yelled over the running water, from in the bathroom.

I heard the shower stop running.

I picked up the phone and saw the caller ID was from an unknown number. I picked it up.

"Hollis, it's your gynecologist. Well you already know that but good news!" She said in excitement.

Before I could correct her, she spoke again, "You're twelve weeks pregnant!"

I froze on the spot, Hollis was pregnant. I wasn't supposed to know that.


My mouth was hanging wide open when Hollis walked in. She was wrapped up in her pink fluffy bathrobe and had her hair in a towel.

"What's wrong?" She laughed.

I remained silent and frozen. She noticed the phone and took it out of my hands.

"Hi, this is Hollis." She said into it.

I heard talking on the other end. And then her eyes widened.

"Okay, thank you.  Sandy, can I call you back?" She asked.

More talking from the other end. She dropped the phone onto the bed and just stared down at the ground. She wore a blank expression but I could tell her skin was probably burning up from panic.

A few moments later, when the shock wore off, she looked up to me.

She had years welling up in her eyes and her face was right red. Looking at her in this moment made me feel so terrible and sad for her.

"Just don't." She started saying, "Don't tell anyone."

She ran her fingers through her hair. Not in that seductive type of way that you see girls do in the movies. She did it in the anxious, needing something to do with their hands, type of way.

She spoke again, "Especially not Luke."

Surprise shawtyyyyyy ;)

Accidentally On PurposeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora