Chapter forty-nine ~ Hollis

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I was officially graduated and done with school, and I was very proud to say so.

 I was full of a mixed emotions when it was actually happening. I was so so excited but nervous because of all the people who were watching me. Not to mention, my legs were killing me from the long walk up to the stage. Honestly though, all the excitement and happiness over powered the anxiety and stress.

I just looked back on the moment with a smile. It was finally over.

I wasn't exactly sure what was gonna happen, career wise, now that I was graduated but I knew that from current events, I would have an advantage.

The workout sets had been officially out. No more stuff to release, no loose ends to be dealt with. It was all out.

 It was all out

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And it was selling pretty well, way better than anticipated actually. There was even talk about possibly relaunching more designs and even more opportunities opening up. 

Nothing was official yet, though, which I wasn't too upset or worried about. I'd have the baby here soon and wouldn't be able to do much work when she was here.

Nonetheless, life was really good right now. I tried to soak it all in because I knew everything would pick back up again and change really soon.

The baby was thirty five weeks and due in a little over a month. Though, of course, she could come any day now. I was so excited to meet her.

We had even narrowed down our name options. Ruthie, Emaline and Eloise.

We figured once we met her then we'd decide what suited her best.

All day, Luke and I had been putting the house together. That's all our life consisted of when we were together, really.

We'd bought pretty much all of the big stuff we needed like furniture and appliances. Luke and I had put most of the nursery together this morning and the last few nights.

It was coming along pretty nicely, actually.

The theme more modern than anything.

The walls were just painted a really light pink blush shade, not too over the top.

Luke and I didn't really like the concept of blue representing a boy and a pink representing a girl.

So a really subtle shade was the way to go.

There was a vintage looking crib in the middle of the small room. It consisted of many metal bars painted a gold shade. 

Behind the crib, were a bunch of black and white framed pictures along that whole wall. It was pictures of the ultrasounds, my pregnancy, and really cool pictures of places that had meaning to Luke and I, like the beach we got engaged.

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