Chapter thirty-seven~ Hollis

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Luke and I were cuddling in my small twin bed. One of the things you really take for granted when in a secret relationship. A simple thing like cuddling didn't happen for us a lot because we were broke college kids with roommates.

Luckily, Melanie had been out with her roommate and I had the luxury of spending the day in bed with Luke.

And no not sexually in bed. Just in bed doing wholesome cuddling and forehead kisses 

It was a tight squeeze and I was feeling a little squished but I didn't mind. Moment's like this were what made me happy.

If you told Hollis from a year ago that she'd be head over heels and cuddling with Luke Craine, she'd tell you something like "Yeah, right. I hate all men".

If you told Hollis from nine months ago, she'd say "No, Owen's the one for me. Owen and I are endgame."

But Hollis at this exact moment, she doesn't know what she wants. Or maybe she does but she doesn't want to jinx things.

Him and I had been seeing each other for two weeks since the wedding. Well we hadn't been going out on official dates or anything like that. We were kissing, cuddling and flirting for the past two weeks.

Plus we had this unspoken thing where we weren't seeing other people. That wasn't much an issue for me anyway. I was happy with getting forehead kisses from Luke and Luke only.

"Can we just stay here forever?" I asked.

"That would be an awkward topic to explain to Melanie." He pointed out.

Oh hey, Mel. Luke my platonic friend who I also occasionally hook up with is now gonna be living with us.

I laughed, "True." 

"Aren't you wishing you went with that shitty studio apartment right about now?" He asked.

Before school started, it was a gross studio apartment or a dorm room with a roommate. It was an obvious choice really.

"If only I did. That way we wouldn't be squished in this tiny twin bed." I sighed.

"I'm not squishing you? Am I?" He asked.

"What do you think?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted to stay here forever."

"You got me there, Cotter."

I rested my head in his shoulder and he kissed my head.

"You're really pretty with no makeup." He added, "Well you're beautiful all the time but right now, damn."

I laughed.

He knew one of my biggest insecurities branched from being in no makeup, a greasy bun, and being in my pajamas. Even though we were just friends in the begining, I wouldn't let him see me without at least a little mascara.

"You look pretty cute without the makeup, yourself." I said back.

"Me? Cute? Lis, I'm flattered." He said in a sarcastic tone.

I laughed again and then started yawning. 

"Are you sleepy?" Luke asked me.

"Little bit. I'm always tired, to be honest. Doesn't help that I'm behind on studying." I admitted to him.

He nodded, "Same thing here. Maybe we could try out that 'you get a question right, I'll strip' type of method."

I moved my head up and looked him in the eyes with a raised eyebrow, he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss.

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