Chapter forty-eight~Hollis

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The last few weeks had honestly been so chaotic and stressful. It has finally dawned on me that this baby girl was coming in six to seven weeks.

So I had infatuated myself in wedding planning, finals, and house decorating. These things were already so hard being seven months pregnant so I knew for a fact that I wasn't gonna be down to do these things in a few weeks when she was here.

The new house was pretty empty, considering we had only had furniture to fill a tiny apartment and now we had a huge home. Plus, Luke wanted us to just sell or give away most of our old stuff. He wanted a new look for this new place.

I was kind of down for that. I just had to be mindful of the prices and all that. Yes, Luke played professional baseball and made a lot of money but I was still kinda iffy on spending thousands and thousands for my home. It made me feel some type of way that I didn't really wanna feel.

So we were pretty much just living in an empty home which I didn't mind. We slept on our old mattress on the floor and watched TV in beach chairs.

The only furniture we really seemed to have was stuff for our baby girl. We still hadn't assembled most of her stuff but we had everything packed away and stuffed in her bedroom.

Everything else was soon to be bought or on it's way to the house. Hopefully the majority of it would come before she was born.

As for wedding planning, as soon as we had our date picked out, we started getting everything situated. We already sent out our save the dates for our October wedding and we had already bookmarked and saved some essentials for the wedding. Like catering, music, venues, etc. 

We even booked a honeymoon. 


I already felt kind of guilty about it but essentially we planned on leaving the baby with Luke's mom. I was so excited, though.

And most excitedly, I graduated in two weeks. A month or so ago, I decided on walking for graduation. Looking back, that was a stupid idea. I wasn't looking forward to walk that stage while eight months pregnant. But I was super excited to be over with school.

Honestly, I wasn't sure what was gonna happen after that. I was gonna have to take time off my waitressing job for awhile. And I wasn't gonna be starting a new job with my degree for a long time because of the baby.

I wasn't totally opposed to the idea of being a stay at home mom with the baby but I also wasn't sure that was what I wanted. I wanted to be part of something big, I just wasn't sure what that would be yet.

On that note, my workout clothes had dropped. And not only had they dropped, they were selling out like crazy. It wasn't helping my big ego one bit. All I could do was brag to Luke about it constantly.

I'm kinda surprised he still put up with me.

Either way,  for a little four day weekend, Luke surprised me with a little getaway trip to Malibu. He apparently booked a little one bedroom beach house. I honestly needed this really badly and I guess Luke could see that.

We were currently on the ride, driving down to Malibu. If was about an hour and a half drive which I normally wouldn't mind but now it wasn't particularly comfortable being seven months pregnant.

I just tried focus on the road and all the sights outside the car.  There wasn't nothing too interesting, not gonna lie.

"What's on your mind?" Luke asked, quickly glancing over at me.

I felt his hand move over to mine.

"How I'm seven months pregnant and we're not gonna be able to do things like this in just seven weeks." I rambled, "And I'm kinda car sick."

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