Chapter thirty-nine~Hollis

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Four years forward

I woke up to Luke tiptoeing into our apartment bedroom. I pulled the white comforter down from over face.

"Oh, how long have you been up?" He asked, clearly surprised.

"Ten, maybe fifteen minutes." I answered.

He nodded, "Well surprise!"

I looked down at the plate he was carrying.

French toast, my favorite.

"All for me?' I said, with a flattered smile.

He sat down on the queen sized bed, then leaned over and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Yes, all for you. Happy birthday, Holli." 

I sat up in the bed with a smile, digging into the food.

"Thank you, baby." I smiled.

He nodded.

"I have an idea to start off your birthday celebrations." Luke started saying.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"I was thinking, let's go check out the shelter." Luke suggested.

"Sure, why not."

And so that what we did.

"How about this one?" Luke asked me, pointing to a German Shepard.

I kneeled down to look at it and the little dog immediately started barking at me.

"Yeah, maybe not." He frowned, as he started getting back up.

Luke and I had been looking for the perfect dog at every dog shelter within a give mile radius for awhile now, every time it didn't work out in some easy.

We had just gotten our first apartment together a year ago and I've been wanting a dog for the longest time. Everything was perfect while Luke was with me but he went away for he baseball games often, leaving me alone for days at our apartment.

I always got paranoid and wanted a little protector. 

We had always put it off even though one badly. But today, was my birthday and Luke had insisted we try again.

We walked around the animal shelter some more until I stopped at one particular puppy, that tore on my heartstrings.

"Luke, come here." I yelled over to him.

He rushed over and kneeled beside me with a grin.

"What about this one?" I asked with a smile.

He wrapped his big arms around my torso, pulling me into a sweet hug.

"Would you like to hold him?" The worker asked us.

I reluctantly nodded, "Yes, please."

She took the little black retriever puppy out of the kennel and handed him to me.

While in my arms, he started licking my face. When Luke went to go pet him, he started licking Luke.

"I think he likes you." I said to Luke, with a grin.

He nodded in agreement, "How old is he?" 

"Nine weeks. He came from a small liter in Texas, they rescued him from under a house." She told us.

I looked down at the little puppy who was now trying to chew on the scrunchie on my wrist.

"Are we sure about this?" I asked Luke, although I already knew the answer.

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