Chapter fifty-two~ Owen

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A month that was always the start to back to school season but now it wasn't that anymore. 

I mean for the last sixteen, maybe seventeen years, summer would end and school would start up but that wasn't a thing in my life anymore. It would never be a thing in my life ever again.

It was an odd thing but it just reminded me of my new responsibilities.

Football. Since I had been drafted a few months ago, I'd been training on my own. It was my main focus for months on end. And now, in just a few weeks I'd get to train with my new professional football team.

This had been my dream for as long as I could remember and now, finally, it was happening.

It was a great feeling but did make me a little nervous if I thought about it for too long.

The out of college life was great so far. Because my job didn't really start until the fall, I essentially had no responsibilities.

I lived with Calvin, Kiersten and Stella for the last year. They were fine with it and I was wanting to save money so I get a nice place of my own within a year.

I had a part time job so that was pretty much my only other responsibility. Other than that, I could do what I pleased. I could go out whenever and see whoever. 

Life was going good so far.

I looked down at Beck and Mona's dog, he was rolled over on his stomach, tongue out of his mouth.

"Where'd you even get the name Pickles?" I asked Beck.

Beck sat up on the couch, "I heard a random lady call her dog that and took a mental note of it. And when we got back from grocery shopping, he tried biting on a jar of pickles." 

He added, "Mona wasn't sold on it, whatsoever."

"Yup, I wasn't at all. Still kind of hate the name." She confirmed.

He leaned over and wrapped his long arms around Mona's torso, pulling her into a hug, "But she loves me so..." 

"Mhm, whatever helps you sleep at night." Mona joked.

Beck shook his head and mouthed, "She totally loves me."

I smirked and mouthed back, "Oh, for sure."

Mona's phone buzzed and she looked down at it, "Hollis just said her and the baby should be here in twenty."

"Why's she coming here with the baby?" I asked.

"I wanna watch the baby for the honeymoon but Lis wants me to watch her beforehand to see how it goes." Mona explained.

I nodded.

I had only met the baby once when I was watching Waco. They had let me stay at the house for the three days that they were in the hospital so I could watch the dog. Mostly because it would take too long to commute back and forth and they needed a dog sitter on such a short times notice.

I didn't mind it.

Anyways, I met Flora the day they got home from the hospital. It was weird seeing Hollis as a mother. When I was eighteen, I always thought that would be me and her but that was in the past. I expected all those thoughts and imaginations were buried inside but they came back up when I saw her in that state.

It was even weirder seeing her at this stage of life, when I was about ten steps behind. The fact that we had been at the same stage at one point blew my mind.

She had really grown up in the last few years.

But Hollis and Luke seemed happy. They both absolutely adored Flora, they were practically attached at the hip. It was nice to see them so happy.

Accidentally On PurposeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora