Chapter Twenty-Two: Green Fire

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It might be difficult to imagine, but Aryan wasn't very keen on splitting up. And it's not that I didn't appreciate his concern. In fact, I felt a joy I couldn't quite place due to it. However, splitting myself in two is not one of my abilities... that I know of.

Aryan grumbled and groaned, but in the end, he went to find Ethan while I made my way over to Ailia's—with a little help from Aryan, of course. He knew exactly where the fairy village was. It made me wonder if he knew where everything in Arcanum was because of his thousands of years of traveling this world, or simply because he had a good sense of direction.

To my surprise, it didn't take very long to find the fairy village, but as I walked the roads, searching for Ailia's home, I found the fairy-folk giving me a peculiar and suspicious glare. It didn't take long for me to realize why. While the fairies varied in height, weight, and looks, they all had one distinguishable feature: every fairy had vibrant hair. Some were bright red like Ailia and Ena's. Some were blue, green, pink, and even purple. But not a single fairy had the hint of the natural brown, black, and blond hair colors I was accustomed to.

And it didn't help that my shirt was clearly stained with blood.

I suddenly felt very self-conscious as they watched me go through their community. As I hurried away, I noticed how most of the fairies had these intricate tattoos on their backs. Each one was in the shape of wings. I wonder if Ailia has that as well. I thought as I swiftly searched for my destination. I found it towards the end of town, just before the forest.

I walked up to the door, ready to knock, and then, froze. From just outside the door, I could hear someone screaming. Thinking quickly, I opened the door, bursting in—eyes wide in trepidation.

From the doorway, I could see Ena holding Ailia by her hair. Rage was in her eyes as she held green fire in her hand like a torch.

"You what?" Ena spoke with a disgust so harsh, it could give a person whiplash.

"You heard me!" Ailia shook, trying to pull her hair out of Ena's strong grip. "I will leave, and I will go to him! I'll never comeback! You can stay here. By yourself. ALONE! Like the bitter person you are!!"

"You little imp." It was pure venom that came out of Ena's voice. "Why can't you understand, lass! This is not about me. I will protect you from the beasties. They will not draw your eye anymore."

Ena began to push the flame closer to Ailia's face, but before anything more could occur, I shouted with the most authority I've ever held. "PUT THAT FLAME OUT!"'

Ena and Ailia froze. Ailia was shocked to find someone else in their home while Ena looked like she might just mangle me to ribbons.

"Who are you to make demands of me in my own home?" Ena turned her body just enough to get a good look at me. Her green flame grew brighter. "Leave. Before it's too late."

I shook my head, approaching Ailia. "I'll leave... once Ailia is with me."

"Don't come any closer!" Ailia pleaded. "Please, I don't know who you are, but don't do something foolish for the likes of me. Just go..." But the look in her emerald eyes begged me to stay.

When I said nothing more, getting closer to Ailia and her sister, Ena threw her fire towards my feet, and it evaporated into sparks as it touched the floor. For some reason, I felt a twitch. It was unusual, and certainly not something I ever did before.

"One more step and I won't miss." Ena scowled coldly.

Still, I continued on. Ena got her next fireball ready, and before she could release it, I had my own raring to go. My flame sparked green brightly before changing to its normal red-orange color. "You dare think to take me on?"

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