Chapter Twenty-Six: God Council

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I looked around my throne room. A large and long dark wooden table was placed in the center of the room with seven pristinely gray and rustic chairs beside it. Three on each side and one in the middle. The table was set with breads, fruits, and wines galore.

Kai was already seated, greeting our brothers as they made themselves comfortable at the table. And as I stared out at my fellow gods, I suddenly felt a wave of anxiety.


Is this the right call? I wondered, briefly. But as I stared at my brothers, I knew I had to do what would keep us protected. United. I shoved all previous thoughts away—as if they had never occurred—and took my place at the head of the table.

On my right was Kai, but to my left, Gideon. He was the shortest man among us, but by far the most intimidating. His muscles bulged and veined with every slight twitch. His square jaw was momentarily clenched, but when his hazel eyes landed on mine, his face exploded into a huge grin. His menacing appearance dissipating.

"Soren!" He laughed heartily as he shook my forearm. "It has been much too long, brother."

Half my mouth grinned as I nodded. "Yes. Much too long. We'll have to rectify that."

Gideon rubbed his shaved head before looking around at the other gods. "Something serious must be happening if you called a council meeting. Huh?"

The pleasantries didn't last long. But I didn't think it would. We rarely meet now. Not since... I shookmy thoughts away, refusing to revisit that moment now. There were more pressingmatters at hand. 

I was about to answer when Colton opened his mouth—a rare treat. "Why are we here, Soren?"

I stared into Colton's unsettling eyes. They were completely white except for his black irises. His mouth was set in a permanent frown. I can vaguely remember the last time they even twitched in an upward direction.

I looked towards Kai for a moment. He gave me a quick reassuring nod. A wave of calm came over me, knowing I had at least one god's support. "I apologize for pulling you away from any previous engagements, but I have discovered a threat that could very well make life... difficult."

"Speak your mind, Soren." Gideon encouraged.

"Yeah," Nolan smirked confidently. His olive brown hands were behind his head. "If you called us, I'm sure there's a damn good reason. Let's have it."

"It's happening." I looked at the other six gods with a stern expression. "The goddesses' curse has been enacted."

Worried murmurs busted out around me.

"Could it be?" Silas's gruff voice asked Callum.

Callum brushed his long dark blonde hair away from his face. "It's possible..."

"How do you know these aren't just rumors?" Nolan shrugged. "It's not like they haven't been spread about before, you know?"

"It's true." I confirmed, solemnly. "The girl broke out Aryan from my prison and spelled my soldiers. She even put out fairy fire."

They all looked at each other, concerned now. "This... this is bad." Gideon thought aloud, his big fingers tapping my table forcefully.

"Fear not." I tried to dispel their concerns. "My soldiers are very close to capturing the girl. They nearly had her before. They even got a good look at her. Black hair, green eyes."

"Is Aryan still with her?" Kai asked, calmly. He was hardly undone by any news.

"According to my loyal Jauni in Ash Valley, yes. They were spotted escaping together after she made a ring of green fire and waved bursts of winds at the villagers."

"Are they...?" Silas asked cautiously.

"They are mostly unharmed. No deaths. Just some minor injuries." I reassured.

"So... let me ask this," Nolan started, a smirk on his lips. "If your soldiers aren't up for the task, then what? Could we have a crack at capturing her?"

Kai rolled his eyes before looking at the god next to him. "Do you really need to find competition in everything?"

Nolan chuckled. "Well, Kai, it is my specialty. Victory and all that." He winked.

I thought about Nolan's proposition. I nodded before answering him. "It wouldn't hurt to widen our search. If any of you see her in your dominion, capture her swiftly. From what I can tell, she is quite adept at evasion."

"And if we've caught her," Callum started. "What will become of her then?"

"Simple." I began, looking at each one of my brothers. "We get rid of her."

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