Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Six: Permission

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I definitely just ran away.

I have fought in countless battles, faced off against literal deities, and stood silent while being tortured for intel, but never ONCE have I ever backed down.

Samara is one fierce adversary. I thought, closing my eyes as I lightly banged my head against the wall just outside our room. There's no way I'm a match for her emotional honesty. There was just no way, and I knew it. I knew the instant she spoke what I was going to say next, and I simply wasn't ready.

I felt a pinch in my chest and grimaced.

I wasn't exactly proud that I hurt Samara's feelings just now. Her emotions slammed into my gut like a sucker punch, but I just—

My head snapped to the left the moment I felt eyes on me. I leered as this young fairy watched me curiously over a glass of water.

She raised an eyebrow at me, concerned yet probing. "Is everything ok?"

"Fine." I said, straightening up as I approached her. "Do you have any healing ointments? Samara needs it."

Ailia's brows pulled together, eyes alert. "Is she hurt? Where? I can help."

I sighed. Was this kid not listening?

"Like I said, healing ointments?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I think we have some in our medical kit in the kitchen." Her green eyes seemed to sparkle with a sudden liveliness. As I followed, I couldn't help but think how the green of her eyes were so different from Samara's. Samara's reminded me of life itself, while Ailia's was like raging fairy fire.

Appropriate for her kind.

She placed down her glass while she rummaged through the bottom drawer of a cabinet for her first aid kit. Just as she pulled out a bag, she asked, "You seemed upset at the door."

I scowled, refusing to acknowledge her.

Despite this, she slowly unzipped the bag, placing her hand over it as she casually cooed, "You two are together, right?"

I growled at her. "Watch it."

She smiled like she knew something I didn't. It really ticked me off.

"So, you are."

"We are not." I spat.

Ailia pulled her head back, surprised by my reaction. "You oppose so fiercely." She paused before rummaging through the medical kit. "I don't think Samara would do the same. From what I can tell, she wouldn't mind at all."

"You don't know what you're talking about, kid." I snarled, rolling my eyes. "Our kind have no business coveting a deity."

The fairy froze, eyes analyzing me carefully. "I see." She nodded, pulling out a small jar. "This must be a trait imposed on us by Lady Neri. We're more similar than I thought."

My mouth dropped. "What? You can't possibly think we're the same."

"I recognize what love looks like."

"No. I'm—"

"And I also see my old confliction in you." Ailia played with the jar of ointment, rolling it along her fingertips. "We are ingrained with a sense of loyalty that is... ten times stronger than any other being. Once we decide we are on your side. That you are... deserving... That's it." She tilted her head to look up at me. "Isn't that it? The feeling you can't quite shake. The one that makes you doubt yourself?"

I clenched my fist. I wanted to be angry that this little fairy could clearly name what I could not, but I was only upset with myself. I've known for a while what I wanted... Who I wanted... but I couldn't admit it. Would I ever? Did it matter if I did?

I tsked, irritated.

"Love will make you realize this... dilemma."

"And yet you couldn't leave your sister." I said, somewhat spitefully. I flinched internally. I knew that was wrong. She was really in trouble, but if she was going to poke at me, I wouldn't be the only one to feel the sting.

Ailia gave me a huffy smirk. "Ena. Ena was terrifying, but I always felt like it didn't matter what she did to me because we were family. We have to stick together, right? She was all I had, after all."

"Can't say I relate." I frowned. "But it seems to me that just because your family doesn't mean they have the right to treat you like garbage. No one should have such power over you."

"Could you defy Lady Neri?"

"She wasn't family." I commented swiftly.

"Wasn't she, though? It was no secret that you were her right-hand man. Even though I didn't know who you were at first, I was able to piece it together after Ethan told me what happened to the two of you." She mentioned, pausing before she continued. "You could look to her for guidance and support. She would help you, no?"

"You clearly don't know what it feels like to be a familiar." I mumbled, impatient for the welp to get to the point.

There was no doubt that I never considered Neri family. She was simply a boss. The person I took commands from. I can't recall a single moment of kindness from her that didn't come as a reward for a task well done. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't outright cruel for the sport of it either, but she certainly wasn't the warm and cuddly type.

"Regardless, something changed for me when I met Ethan. After I fell for him, I was... scared. Nervous. I finally felt like I had something to lose. Before him, I was just complacent. I didn't care how much my sister took from me because, despite her malice, she did care for me... in her own way."

Hardly. I scoffed quietly to myself. A shit person is still that. Just because they do one nice thing, every once in a while, doesn't change what they've done.

But rather than argue, I decided to let the girl continue. "Still, how could I ever let Ena take that from me. Take him from me. It was paralyzing..." she looked away, appearing momentarily distant. She shook it off, staring into my eyes like she was truly trying to reach me. "My point being, sometimes you have to do something for yourself even if it conflicts with what your used to."

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't deny that her words made me twinge with a mix of emotions. "You're much too young to be giving me advice."

"And your much too old not to recognize sincerity." She replied, pointedly, before handing me the jar in her hands. "Give yourself permission." She whispered.

"Ailia!" Ethan called before he stepped out of their bedroom. "Ready? Oh... everything good?"

The forlorn look she had moments ago completely dissipated as her affection shined brightly on her delicate features. Her smile exuded warmth. Warmth reserved only for Ethan. "Yeah, everything's great." Ailia quickly grabbed her glass of water, raising her eyebrows at me, knowingly, as she walked past.

Did a fairy seriously try to give me love advice?? I gripped the jar tightly. Maybe I should listen. But then, I thought about what we had left to do. The dangers that still lie ahead. Or maybe I should just stay focused.

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