Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Eight: Elephant Rock

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I still couldn't shake the feeling of eyes watching me. And Aryan could completely tell. He was particularly vigilant as we walked on to locations unknown but didn't say a word about it. He simply stood near me, reaching for my hand when he felt my anxiety just about to boil over. And despite this small comfort, I couldn't resist turning my head to look back. But it wasn't that I was staring everywhere. Strangely enough, I knew exactly where I needed to look—towards the shadows that grew longer—darker—as the sun began to set.

"Do you see that?" Aryan asked, drawing my attention yet again.

"See what?" I inquired, finally shifting my gaze forward. "Oh," A slow smile burst across my face at the sight. "Is that where we're going?"

My eyes lit up as I stared at an elephant in the near distance. Well, not exactly an elephant. Rather, it was a cliff. If I had been paying attention, I could have noticed the sandy cobblestone turn to slate. There was still desert sand swirling about, making the cliffside look like the mammal had been rolling around in reddish-brown dirt. The trunk of the cliff was wrapped with roots that elongated it. And the best thing of all was the beautiful horizon it overlooked—made even more spectacular by the evening coming in.

"Yup." Aryan nodded. "In true Seraphina-fashion, it's called Elephant Rock."

I chuckled but found the goddess of creation's literal naming to be oddly consoling. "How apropos."

We quickly got to the top of Elephant Rock, and just before the sun finally set, I was able to glance over the edge to spot a river below.

"Huh," I said with a little surprise. "I didn't think I'd see so much water in a desert terrain."

"Careful." Aryan said, grabbing my arm gently and guiding me away from the edge. The action made me blush slightly, but he didn't pay it any mind. "And of course. Where do you think all these pools come from? They have to get fresh water from somewhere."

"Good point." I smiled, but that smile quickly wavered as my stomach growled loudly. My face heated up instantly.

Meanwhile, Aryan's dimples were on full display as he laughed... heartily. "Maybe I should find us something to eat." He settled down before proposing a plan. "If you make a fire, I can find us something."

"Yes, I can do that." I replied, realizing that neither of us has eaten anything solid in two days. Not since we polished off that apple in the Pastel Desert. Since then, we've just sipped on water and not complained much, but it seems, my body was protesting now.

"I'll be back, then." Aryan started but then froze. He looked around before turning back to me. "Are you going to be alright? Do you still feel like someone is watching you?"

My heart lightened at hearing his concern. "At this moment, no." I shook my head. "I'll be alright, Aryan." His gaze was ripe with skepticism. And I couldn't resist giving him a little hug of reassurance. He seemed shocked but didn't stiffen the way he used to. Just that alone made me happy. "If you're worried, then make sure to hurry back." I told him, pulling away with a grin.

"Alright," he agreed. "Don't stray too far."

"Yes, sir." I saluted, playfully.

Aryan's brows pulled together at my gesture, confused. Maybe they don't salute in Arcanum. I thought, amused. He refused to comment though as he went back into the Forest of Reflection.

I didn't waste any time myself. It was already getting quite dark, and I needed to do my part. I stood near Elephant Rock, not going too deep into the forest as I searched for wood. Finding firewood was sparce, but I managed to find as many as I could until I had an armful of wood of varying sizes.

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