Chapter Thirty-Six: Laurels

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I slumped against the couch as Samara left with Zahra. I was suddenly exasperated. Owyn and Zahra's story reminded me of so much from my past that I was mentally exhausted. Not to mention how every detail of the story made Samara feel just about every emotion ever invented. So, you know, there's that.

Owyn's dark eyes assessed me.

"What?" I scowled. "Would you like a picture to remember me by?"

He just laughed heartily. "I don't know how Lady Samara doesn't get driven nuts by you." I opened my mouth to attack, but he stopped me short. "But your defensiveness is good. It means you're alert. You'll need to be."

I leaned in. My elbows resting on my knees. "What's going on in Laurels?" I asked, catching his meaning quickly.

"Soren's soldiers are searching hard for you two, but it's not just them. Lord Nolan is on a rampage."

I scoffed. "That's not exactly surprising news. Nolan has always been competitive. He probably thinks our capture is a game."

"Exactly." He confirmed just as I got stabbed with Samara's embarrassment. I looked towards the stairs, continuing to listen to Owyn. "Which means he has no intention of losing. He and his people are on the lookout. It won't be easy to go through Laurels unnoticed."

"We'll just have to move through the city quickly." I shrugged but took his words to heart.

Nolan was no easy adversary. He won't give up even if we make it past Laurels unnoticed. Competitive asshole.

"Where do you plan to go if you make it past Laurels?" Zahra asked as she walked down the stairs. But before she headed over to her husband, she went to the bag she had on our trip and rummaged through it. After a few moments, she held a piece of paper in her hand, smiling at it. She showed it to her husband as she eyed me, mischievously.

Despite my initial misgivings about the pair, I now trusted them after today. Like Samara thought, they've proven to be truthful. Sharing their tale must have been hard. I didn't have to feel their emotions to see that.

"I'm taking Samara to Seraphina's." I confided.

Zahra nodded slowly. "That's smart. If anyone can help you two, it will be Mistress Seraphina." She paused, thinking about something. "Actually, if you make it past Laurels, it won't take you too long to get to her through the mountains."

I nodded. "That was my thought too."

After a moment, Zahra said, "You know, I used to believe you were quite callous and cold, but..." she handed me the paper in her hand. "I'm glad to see that's not the case anymore. Don't get me wrong, you are clearly still angry, but at least, now, you're able to express it."

I looked at the instant-photo she took. It was from earlier today. The image was of Samara and me playing in the river. Everything was blurred except for us. She had one hand up—the water in mid-air as it came towards me. Her white sundress was soaked as she laughed so earnestly it made her look breathtaking. Meanwhile, there I was in front of her, one arm getting ready to block the water as the other reached for her. My hair was half-stuck to my face as I smiled. But it wasn't sarcastic or cruel. I was... happy. That's weird. I pouted a bit. Have I ever made that face?

I thought about Zahra's words. She's not entirely wrong. I would have been cut down at the knees if I ever acted with Neri the way I do with Samara. Having a good time back then was strictly prohibited. Or at least, it felt like it was.

"Why are you giving this to me?" I asked, holding the small photograph delicately. "And when did you even take it?"

"I'm quick when it comes to photographs." She chuckled. "Not to mention, there was no way I was going to miss an opportunity to document getting the ever-stoic Aryan caught smiling." She leaned against Owyn's chest. "Besides, good memories should be cherished. Don't you think?"

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