[Twenty Six]

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(No one's pov)

It only took a few weeks to get most of the collab done. Now they just needed to secure the legal documents to film a music video. Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook have gotten somewhat close too. Jimin doesn't hate him as much at least, while his boyfriend considers Taehyung a friend.

Now they were sitting in Jungkook's office while watching a few YouTube videos. Taehyung paused the video midway through and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook pat his head and looked at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Just getting comfortable."

"Then why did you pause the video?"

"Because I wanted to have one of our long conversations."

"I don't know what to talk about though."

"How about the fact that I still miss you so much."

Taehyung hugged him tightly as Jungkook lightly squeezed his arm.

"Very funny. Didn't you say you had a date later?"

"Well I did..."

"What did you do.."

"I backed out on her."


"Do we really have to go over this again. What has been the reason every time I back out of a date."

"I guess..."

"Plus I enjoy being here with you, why mess that up?"

Jungkook laughed a little bit and fixed his posture. He went over to check the emails just as his boyfriend came in the room. Jimin decided not to talk to him after all, they were working and needed time to do so without him there.

He left the room with a sad look on his face. Jungkook promised he wouldn't fall for Taehyung again, but they have gotten close again and he is worried about losing him. He sat down at his desk and tried to finish the project his client wanted. At some point he heard laughing near his office and tried to ignore it.



"The three of us should go somewhere!"

"I wish I could Love, but this client is being difficult and I need to get this project done by tomorrow. You two go with out me."

"You sure?"

"Yes it's ok."

Jungkook pecked Jimin's lips and left the room with Taehyung following behind. Jungkook grabbed his keys and they left. While they were in the car Taehyung turned on the song he played that one time the two fought and he wanted forgiveness.

Of course back then he didn't know why he craved Jungkook's forgiveness, but when he lost him it all made sense. Taehyung was looking at the window while the song played and accidentally put his hand on Jungkook's. Luckily he didn't notice or Taehyung would be screwed.

Jungkook looked over and saw Taehyung basically holding his hand, but he didn't care at this point. Yes, he knew Taehyung liked him, you'd have to be stupid to not see that. But he hasn't made any actual moves, so it's fine, doesn't effect him at all.

They arrived at the movie theater and Jungkook got their tickets. Taehyung was in charge of popcorn and drinks because Jungkook said so, and whatever he says goes. They met in front of the theater room afterwards and went in. It was mostly empty so they got the perfect seats.

The movie started and Jungkook grabbed onto Taehyung's arm and rested his head on his shoulder. Taehyung held his hand without noticing and they spent the rest of the movie like that. Jungkook jumped at one point and almost ended up on Taehyung's lap.

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