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(No one's pov)

It's been a few days and Jungkook is starting to notice both Taehyung drifting off and Jimin cuddling with him a lot more. That was how his life was for the past few days, Taehyung wasn't there but they had classes together that he was in, get school done, and go home to get cuddle time with Jimin.

He had also become good friends with Jaein, who would help Jungkook find Taehyung sometimes. Jungkook started looking around after school since they had a date planned and sat down on the bench after all the others left. Jimin decided to stay with him while Baekhyun and Jaein went back to their apartment to do something in case the date didn't happen.

Jungkook and Jimin sat there for 30 minutes and nothing. He looked down and tried not to break down crying while Jimin rubbed his back. They decided to wait for 10 more minutes just in case. That time went and nothing, Taehyung was just gone.

"Hey, it's ok Kook. Let's go home."


They got into the car and drove back to the apartment. They got out and Jungkook rested his head on Jimin's shoulder the entire way up to the apartment. Jimin opened the door and the other two saw how upset Jungkook looked and knew how it went. They went over and hugged Jungkook.

"I'm sorry Kookie."

Jungkook's phone rang and Jaein picked it up. He saw Taehyung's contact and asked if he could answer the call or not. Jungkook nodded and took the phone.

He went to his bedroom and answered the call. He heard incoherent yelling and brought it to his ear to hear what was being said.


'Hey Kook, I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it today. Something came up and I couldn't leave class.'

'Yea...it's fine.'

'No it's not. How about we-.........yea go back to bed. Hey baby let's talk tomorrow, bye.'


Jungkook looked at his phone and blinked a few times. He could have sworn he heard a woman whisper 'Daddy' before Taehyung hung up. He put his phone on the table and sat down on his bed.

He just sat there in silence, thinking about what to do. Taehyung never mentioned a child and he even said that he had no children. He started sobbing at the possibility that Taehyung could be cheating on him.

Jimin knocked on the door and walked in to see Jungkook sobbing. He rushed over and hugged him. Jungkook gripped Jimin's shirt and started crying louder. He couldn't hide it anymore. After a few minutes he calmed down and sat up.

"Hey, what happened. What did he say to you."

"I think...I-I think he might be...cheating on me."

Jungkook barely got through that sentence before he was on the ground crying.

"Shhh, it's going to be ok. How about we talk to him about it tomorrow. Who knows it could be a cousin that sees him as a father."

Even he knew that was a lie. A cousin? Really? They don't do that. But that seemed to calm Jungkook down enough to breathe. He hugged Jimin tighter and calmed himself down through that.

"I had everyone leave, how about we eat out for dinner today."


"Yep. Come on, I'll get you anything you want."

Jungkook got up and left his phone on his bed. They left the apartment and got into Jimin's car. He drove to a small restaurant Jungkook has loved ever since they first came here. Jungkook got excited seeing the restaurant and promised to thank Jimin after they got back.

The two sat down and the waitress that usually served them when they are here walked up. She saw Jungkook's face and felt bad so she wrote down their orders and rubbed Jungkook's back.

"Hey, Koo are you ok?"

"Yea, I'm fine. Just had a fight with my boyfriend....I kinda hate him right now.."

"Ok, my shift ends soon how about me, you, and Jiminie hang out for a little bit afterwards. If you need anything just call me."

Jungkook nodded and put his head down. Taehyung walked into the restaurant with a small child next to him. They both sat down and ordered sundaes. As the waitress walked by he noticed Jungkook sitting at another table, and Jimin holding his hand.

He was infuriated. Jimin had no right to touch Jungkook. He looked at Jungkook's face and noticed how red his eyes looked, as if he had been crying. Taehyung told his nephew to stay there while he did something real quick. He went up behind Jungkook and hugged him. Jungkook jumped and pushed the person off.

"What the hell do you..."

"Hm? What is it."

"Just go. I'm not in the mood."


"I said to leave, I'm not in the mood to talk right now. Go away!"

"Fine, I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

He walked back to his seat and silently watched Jungkook. The waitress came back and Put the food on their table. Jungkook and Jimin ate the food while they talked about school stuff. Taehyung bought something and watched.

Out of nowhere the waitress came back and put a plate in front of Jungkook. The waitress hugged him and Jimin joined in. Jungkook sat back down and ruffled Jimin's hair as a thank you for the dessert. He smiled and ate it while Jimin was on his phone.

After eating and paying for the food Jungkook went to the back. Taehyung went up to Jimin and caught his attention. Jimin rolled his eyes and looked at him.

"What do you want."

"What is going on with my boyfriend."

"Taehyung, what do you think is wrong. What could he possibly be upset about?!"

"You didn't tell him, right?"

"No. But he is smarter than you think."

Jungkook came back with her and Jimin left with them. Jimin drove them to the apartment. They all sat down on the couch, Jungkook was cuddled up and staring forward.

"So what happened?"

"I think he might be cheating on me."

"Huh!? Cheating!? I'm going to kill that asshole when I see him!"

"Calm down Jisoo. I know you're angry but let him explain what happened."

"He skipped out on our date and then when he called to apologize I heard a girl that sounded around our age say "Daddy" and he hung up after telling her to go to bed...."

"I'm sorry Koo. Look, I know this is basic but talk to him about it tomorrow...."

"I know. I know, and I will. But what do I do if he is?"

Jimin slowly head Jungkook's hand and looked him in the eyes. "Break up with him. He isn't good enough for you if he does things like this."

"Ok, I will."

They both said goodbye to her and promised to come by again sometime. Jimin changed into his pajamas and Jungkook took a shower. After they both turned of all the lights Jungkook pulled Jimin into his room.

Jimin got confused but calmed down once Jungkook hugged him for the 10th time today. He rubbed Jungkook's back and started thinking about what they would be like if they were actually together. He knows the possibility is slim, but he has hope it could happen.

Jungkook pulled away and smiled at him. Jimin picked Jungkook up and laid him down in his bed. He pulled the blankets over him while Jungkook watched and grabbed his hand when he was about to leave.

"What is it Kookie?"


"Ok fine, but you have to sleep alone tonight."



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