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I could see a little doubt in Jimin's eyes while others trusted me.Others trusting me wasn't enough as the culprit was related to him.Still,he chose me over her which was itself a big thing.I called Mr.Lee and told him about events.He came to the house while we all sat in silence.

Tae sat near Jimin and kept on checking on him again and again.I was so scared that if I am wrong than he might hate me to ruin his only love life after so many years.As now ,because of my this assault company might know about this and he might be asked to broke up before it started.


"Thankyou Mr.Lee for coming",Namjoon said."I would like to talk to Y/N alone",he asked.All heads turned towards me.Staring at me without moving a single muscle,Jungkook proposed,"I will also come with you".

I felt almost relieved to have him by my side but scared at the same time, that how I will talk about everything clearly,being him by my side.

"Take care of Jimin for me",I said making clear not to follow me.He squeezed my hand which I didn't knew I have held from a long time, and nodded with a smile."Come this way",I said going out.


"Tell me in brief what happened",Lee questioned.I told him about everything including Jimin's old talks.Though ,I made sure not to tell his every personal details with her."Are you sure?"He asked me the question which I was afraid too.

"Yes.It's my work.I cannot mistake a poison's odor or I would have been dead by now",I agitated."So, I will take a sample and get it's result",he concluded.

We entered into the room where all were waiting for us.Namjoon strolling around,Jin and Hobi were trying to console Jimin , Tae ,Jungkook and Yoongi in deep conversation.Mr.Lee took the glass in his hands and filled his bottle with it.

When he started to leave the house ,I called from behind ,"Wait!Take bottle,too.I want you to get finger-print from it of her".Jimin glared at me for the first time.He looked pissed off,probably thinking ,'Can you humiliate my soon-to-be-girlfriend anymore'.


It's been an hour for Jimin locked himself in his room."Jimin,come out.Please",I kept knocking at his door. "Still no answer",Jungkook asked worriedly."Leave him alone.He will come out when he will be fine",Yoongi suggested.

"Y/N,you should get up from floor. Hyung is right. And in this manner ,you will get cold as you are allergic to it",Hobi said. "How do you know that?"Jin suspected."Not now,Worldwide guy",I cut him off.In normal cases,Jinishi would start rapping his anger but not tonight.I got up and left the house.

***[After some time]

"So,you are here",a voice said behind from me.I was sitting on a park bench,alone.I looked behind and found Yoongi."Oh ,you!"I asked.I knew he was here for me but I couldn't help but think maybe Jungkook would come looking for me.

"Yes,me.Way to greet me",Yoongi teased me.His sarcasms were my all time favorites.They were kind of warmness surrounding me."Come .Sit",I patted the seat beside me.

We stayed in silence.I always loved the silence I shared with him.It was like he knew I needed time to collect my thoughts and silently keep on saying 'I am with you no matter what'.

He finally spoke,"I don't want to know how you knew about the poison but I need to know how you are doing.Are you fine?"He was my soulmate,who knew what exactly I wanted to speak about.

"I am just worried about Jimin. I was the one he trusted with his secret rather than you six and now,it doesn't even matter if results are positive or negative ,agency will know about it all",I poured my heart out.

He let me support my head over his shoulder while he was humming something slowly.This was right moment in itself.I realized I didn't needed a boyfriend's love [though Jungkook isn't my boyfriend] but a soul mate's support right now.I knew that I had to face the world sometime,but it couldn't hurt to be relaxed for few minutes.

He replied softly after giving it a thought,"Jimin is a strong person.I know there might be some ups and down with agency but we will be there for him.And his life is more important then getting a girlfriend".

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