Nothing matters when it comes to you!!!

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"I am going",I said."What?where?" Tae asked."I am giving all the evidences about agency and taking it down once and for all.I don't want anything to come between us.Then,I can freely tell Jungkook everything",I answered.

"But,then you will go to jail and me too",Monica had come back."Well I will be witness so I won't and you will be source of evidence so you will also not",I firmly said.She didn't seemed happy about it.

"Be careful",Tae said."Aren't you going to stop me?",I asked."Will you listen!",he answered."Well!I guess, if I am doing this then I shall also get over my fear of lifts as well. It's the only thing which binds me to my past fears",I sighed.

"Don't worry,I will accompany you",Monica offered."Nooo.Stay with Jungkook. It is too risky there",I said."Well!I will stay behind the scenes but I want to be there for you.Even I want to get some revenge for my brother",she said.And we both left.

***[Writer's POV]

As soon as they left the room,Jungkook came inside."Hyung,where is Monica?"jungkook asked."Well,she just left with Y/N,now",Taehyung replied.As soon as he heard,he left in a hurry.


When the doors of lift were going to close,I saw Jungkook. He was shouting her name and asking her not to leave,but the doors were already closing."You shouldn't come with me.At least Jungkook won't be heartbroken again",I told her.

"Well!I promise you nothing will happen to me.I will be back fine with Jungkook",Monica said confidently.I restrained myself from holding something, when lift started.I kept on reminding myself for whom I was doing this.

When we reached down,I felt a little dizzy but I quickly recovered for the first time.Maybe,it was because I was determined to get over the fear and finally leave my past behind.Monica and I reached at car.

"You must drink some.It will help with your dizziness",she said.I drank some of it.She drove us where it all started ,my secret house.


"Monica,stay here.You haven't been inside ever.There are death traps.I will get those evidences and everything.Keep the car started",I ordered.It's been awhile for me to come here.This was the house I had brought with her brother to run away.

I wished to stay in Korea,if possible then Seoul.I thought maybe if we both stayed here,I might someday run into BTS. I didn't  knew I was going to run into their lives and ruin it in such manner.

We had bought this place with lawn and everything ,and we hid all the evidences here so if someday we are caught then we could go to police.I lied to Monica about traps.I didn't wanted her to come here and see what beautiful life his brother wanted to give her in his presence.

I went to the basement and opened our locker.All the evidences were lying there.I felt a mix emotion of happiness and guilt.I took them and secured them in my bag."What the hell are you doing in basement?"

As soon as ,I turned around I saw Monica."There were no death traps here",she answered."Ya!Sorry for lying.I didn't wanted to get back your old memories.Your brother and I have spent much time ,here.Small but enough to remember",I said.

I started feeling dizzy.Maybe,my anxiety levels increased as I came back here.I started taking deep breathes and ran out to the hall.I sat on a sofa."I guess,I am again getting panic attack like as the lifts.Give me two minutes",I told her.

"Oh no!They are drugs kicking in.Soon,I can't kill you when you are all aware.You are too hard to take down.Even Sam knew it.She gave me this idea to get you on drugs and then kill you.I can simply blame this on agency.All Sam wants is revenge even if it means dragging agency's name",she said.

"What?Why but?Why you?"I tried getting my vision clear but it was getting worse."Well!You killed my brother",she shouted."I didn't killed him",I said."And what's proof of that.I saw the footage.You disabled it when my brother was trying to get out of lift and then made up this story",she said.

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