Jk is worried about me:)

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I got up this morning because of the noise coming from hallway.It's been two days today for me living with BTS. It was little hard to get them open up to me at first but I finally did it.

I know I don't have much time.I have to complete my mission before anyone else gets hurt from BTS. I have been keeping an eye out for danger.Hopefully,we might get some lead on the case.

Meanwhile,I want to live my time with BTS to fullest.It's quiet rare opportunity to live with the people you can only dream about.

I went out to look what the fuss was about.When I saw the detective had come to house."Hello,Mr.Lee",we greeted."What is the fuss all about?"I asked.

"I am sorry for causing you inconvenience but I wanted to talk to you about the case",he said."Oh!No bother at all",I said."She slept so late last night.She needs rest",Yoongi interrupted us.

"Oh!So this was the fuss about. Yoongi, I am fine.I can work for two days and still look fresh.But,it's cute you are worrying about me",I said."Fine",he said angrily."So, what were you saying?"I asked Won to continue.

"We have found a suspect.We need you to identify him.He claims to be the one",he informed."Then,why you need her when he himself says it's him,"Tae interrupted."The question is if he is the culprit why did he confess before completing his task",Joonie suspected.

"You truly are 148 IQ.I need to identify him.I will come, officer",I confirmed."You won't go alone.I will go with you",Jungkook proposed."Why ?Now you don't wanna tease me or fight with me.Suddenly ,caring about me",I teased him.

"That's just for fun.This is no joke Y/N.I ,we have already put you once in danger.Not again",he said firmly.I looked him into his eyes.He was behaving like an alpha protecting his Luna.But the thing was I am not Luna.I am myself alpha which he have no idea about.I guess, I read alot.

"Detective can you give us a moment.I will come with you ",I confirmed.He replied with,"I will wait in car." I nodded.As soon as he left the house,Jungkook was the first to speak."Y/N,you won't go alone that's it",he said with such power that I felt an urge to cower .

"Listen,I need to go.We cannot stay hidden here, forever. Joon please make him understand",I pleaded. Joon looked down without reacting.I understood even he was supporting Jungkook.I was happy to know that they started care about me in such a small time.But,I had to go.

"Guys,you are BTS. You were the once who taught me not to be afraid of anything.If you behave such then how will I be strong",I tried to manipulate them. Tae interrupted,"Fine,Jeonggukie.Let her go",I felt so relieved.

At least someone was behaving like an adult ,I thought.But then he continued,"I will go with her .Don't worry."I was actually happy to see them trying to protect me.I looked at them and noticed that they were genuinely trying there best to make me stop with their innocent yet firm faces."O.K.I won't go.After all I cannot upset you guys.So,stop looking at me like that",I finally said.

I went back to my room.They all were glad to hear the news. Namjoon called the detective to inform him. I went back to rest.I needed to store up my energy.


When I woke up ,I knew it was there gym time.So,I knew they all were probably working out on the third floor.I quickly changed my clothes.When a text appeared.I quickly grabbed my shoes and left the house.

Down ,in the parking lot,Mr.Lee was waiting for me."I am sorry.Actually,wound still hurts while changing which is why Tae usually helps me.But I couldn't ask for his help this time",I said."I am glad you came",he smiled.We both sat in the car when I texted in our house group.I was scared to read any notification or get any calls from them so, I put my phone on silent.

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