I shouted at Taehyung:(

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I smiled and answered ,"Sunbae,even if we knew.It didn't mattered.I cannot date any of you.Some people aren't meant to be together, I guess.I don't know how to tell you or any of you about myself.I am trouble and trust me you don't need trouble."

"So,you don't hate me?"Hobi asked."Can I ever hate my SUNSHINE!You are cared about me.How could I even think of hating you.Maybe a little upset I was, before.Now,I understand everything",I replied.He was quite happy to hear that.

Everything was finally going good.I didn't realized that boys have come back.When we came out of the bathroom ,I saw Taehyung with my laptop.

I got so scared that I scolded him,"V !How dare you touch my laptop without my permission.Have some manners."I tried to close my laptop but his fingers were still on the keyboard.

I swayed his hand away and shut my laptop down.I could see hurt in his eyes.Everyone gathered around us hearing my shout."Y/N,I was just looking at it",he said hurtfully."Oh really!Then why the hell my screen was on when I have locked it.I trusted you with my password.Always isn't play time,you idiot",I shouted as I couldn't control myself.


I sat down on the floor after he stomped out. Joonie and Jimin went after him as he walked away furiously.I realized that I was too loud and rude. Jin lectured me,"Y/N,you shouldn't have shouted on him like that.He is quite a sensitive guy and scolding for such a small thing.I know;he did a mistake but I didn't expected this from you",and he left.

"Leave me alone ,guys",I requested firmly.Everyone left me, except for Jungkook. He insisted,"you can shout on me or throw things at me but I won't go anywhere". I really didn't wanted to hurt him so I got up and started leaving the room.He grabbed my hand.

He twirled me around and gave me a hug.I was shocked to see him he do that. "I know you are feeling guilty to shout at him.I don't want you to feel this guilt alone." I had been strong for so long that I just melted in his arms. He smelled so nice like peaches.

For the first time,I felt his arms around me like I am a fragile girl.I was scared he might ask me why did I do that?what did triggered me?But all he did was hold on to me.I don't know how long I cried in his arms.Finally ,I looked at him.He was just smiling at me.

I waited for him to ask me but he kept looking at me and traced away tears coming down my eyes."Why aren't you asking me something?"I finally asked.He kept staring at me with stars in his eyes.I was scared that I will really tell him everything if he asked me now.

"Y/N,you know your eyes get fluffy and nose red and running whenever you cry",he pointed out warmly as if he had seen me cry before also.I pushed him hard but he was lot stronger than me."Ask me something!Tell me I was wrong!Rude.Tell me what I did was wrong?"I kept on pushing at him.

"Y/N,you are an army.Armies loves us more than anything.And if you were not I have seen bond between you and him.I know you love him more than me.There might be some reason for you to behave like that. Hyung is quite sensitive when it comes to these things.I know you will make everything alright.But for that ,you have to become alright first."He again embraced me.

I didn't knew when he got all so sensitive and understanding.Once I can expect other members like Namjoon,Jin or anyone but Jungkook; NEVER.

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