MinMin:Choose me or your girlfriend!

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"Fast,Fast",I kept on cheering Jungkook. "Y/N,stop repeating it.You are disturbing me.Everything,will be fine",he tried to calm me down. "I hate it when people don't get to confess how they feel.I mean love is the purest thing.I have seen how happy she makes him.I just hope she doesn't get overwhelm by everything and end-up rejecting him",I shared me concern.He held my hand and gave it a squeeze.


When we reached;they had already started unpacking things."Yo!Guys.Why are you here?I mean we need to still have to drink water and than some games and than many more other things to do."I knew I was just talking nonsense,not only by their expressions but it seemed stupid to my own ears,too.I actually started pushing them towards their car in a hurry.

"I need to pee",Tae excused himself from my grasp."I need a beer",Yoongi too released himself.At that time,my phone rang up.I looked at the screen and saw it was my bestie.

"Hello!Can I talk to you later?I need to save Jimin right now",I asked in my language and disconnected.When I turned around, they all had already left,including Jungkook."Kookieeee",I shouted frustratingly.I climbed the stairs as fast as I could.

***[At the house]

I opened the door and found all near the table."We are celebrating.Y/N,come and join us",Tae cheered.I mouthed sorry to Jimin and he blinked it's okay.

"Where is your girl?",I looked around."Come first .Let's drink.My girl bought this as our first meet",Jimin said pouring a bottle of wine.It looked quite old one and expensive.I took the glass in hand."So,can I know what's this for before cheers?"I asked.

"First of all,it wasn't phishing.She is girl and beautiful and cute,too",Jimin said shyly. "But we couldn't meet her. Hyung said, she got a call and left in emergency",Jungkook explained.

"But everything is fine with her.She assured me",Jimin said immediately."Next time,I will introduce you all to her.Now,cheers." We all clattered our glasses in the joy of it and were about to drink when I smelled something.

"DON'T DRINK",I shouted in English.All got so surprised with my loud voice that they spitted it out. Jin and Hobi being scaredy-cat of the group almost choked and spilled half of their wine.

"What the fuck?"Yoongi was the first to ask or you can say, curse ."I think it is poisoned",I said as calmly as possible.I really didn't wanted them to be scared."What?"Jimin asked opening his eyes wide.But as his eyes are so small ,they didn't seemed scary.

They started staring at each other shockingly."Trust me",I said looking at their faces.I know how people get shock in movies but this was more like 'Have you lost it' faces."I will explain everything.First,please all of you keep your glasses down.Please trust me on this",I pleaded.

"Bona gave me this bottle and it was sealed.If you are trying to prank us,this isn't funny",Jimin raged."You trust me more or....",I wasn't able to complete my sentence being scared that if I gave other option,he might choose it.

"Hyung,listen to her.She won't lie about such thing.She isn't good at it",Jungkook took my side. "Jungkook is right.She can hide something but never lie.I know her the most here.She is the one who took bullet for you.Remember!"Yoongi was the second to show his faith.

I mean,I can understand Jimin.I know how much he loved her.I didn't waited for his answer as he might get killed if he didn't trusted me.So,I did the only thing I could think of.I threw his glass which shattered on the floor.Others kept their glasses down slowly on the table.

I was scared of what they might think of me now as Jimin was staring at the shattered glass.I realized that those pieces are not just glass but also his love life .Though,I was glad that at least two of the guys trusted me and all are alive.

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