Jungkook took hit for me!!

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I tried to stay beside Jungkook because I didn't wanted them to hurt him,anymore.She grabbed my hair and brought me before Lee."Here,honey.Beat the hell out of her",she said.He held me up and slapped and punched me quite a few times."This will teach you a lesson,bitch",Lee said.

"All I learnt is that you and your bitch is a coward",I spat the blood out.I tried to stand up and spoke,"this is just a warm up for me.I have gone through worse then this during my time with agency.You might have heard tales about me".His girl double kicked me.

I fell down.I could hear Jungkook screaming,"Stop!Please,Stop.Hit me instead."I knew he was trying to get their attention away from me which was stupid knowing he wouldn't survive one more punch and romantic knowing he wouldn't survive one more punch and still trying to care about me.

I smiled at him.He knew I was going to keep all attention at me,including Damon who was enjoying it like a movie.I was trained for pain and I was also known for tolerance at agency."You both scumbag knows that you together also cannot take me down.Remember how I kicked your ass and Sam did nothing to protect you.Do you know why?"

I chuckled,"because she chose to hide two dead bodies over twenty to thirty".This got them so worked up that they came at me to suffocate me,but Damon stopped them."Y/N,See my love.I cannot see this anymore.All you have to do is come to me.I am not even asking you to beg to me.Just be mine",he tried to show himself as big guy which for me came out to be a big asshole.

"What about Monica?You know she loves you,don't you?"I asked.I knew my best friend loved him which was poor for Hobi as I knew he had a crush on her."Oh dear!If she is the problem than it's fine.I can make her understand and break up with her",he spoke while touching my face.

I flinched at his touch.My skin crawled.It was so disgusting that I spit on him.He got away from me.And that's when we heard some noises from down.

Jungkook started crawling towards me."What the hell is going on?Lee and You!Go.See,what is happening outside?",he ordered them.I started laughing loudly."I guess,police has arrived.Sorry to interrupt your little play.And ya,stop dreaming about me.It disgusts me to come even in your thoughts".

"But how is this possible!I have CCTVs and everything.There was no alarm",he ran hand through his hair getting all puzzled."Oh!Sorry.I had chip in my pendant.I should have told you before but you never noticed",I explained.

"I know your pendant.It's just a stone given by your ex",he said with confused eyes."Ya.And I replaced it with microphone. Kookie will get me a new one or maybe a ring would be nice",I teased him looking at my hand.

He screamed loudly in anger and picked up the chair on which he was sitting and came after me.I curled my hands in front of my body,but the impact never came.I heard Jin shouting, "Jungkook!"

I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook,fell unconscious in front of me. Jin and Namjoon came running towards us.I realised he had protected me from the impact of chair.They took his head in their lap and started calling him.

"Somebody call ambulance",Jin shouted. Namjoon removed his phone and dialed for ambulance.I came to my senses.My blood was boiling up.I saw Damon looking at me with fear.I shouted,"You are dead today".

I don't know from where the energy came in me,I stood and started limping towards him.He got caught by one of the officers."Now ,you cannot run away.I will tear you apart one by one",I was in rage.He started fighting off officer and got his hand on his gun.

"I will shoot,Y/N.Stay away from me",he threatened."I don't care.You have already hurted me enough that I would love to die now.But,I am taking you with me",I pointed at him.I kept on moving.

He kept on threatening me but I was filled with so many emotions like anger,rage,heartbreak and shock.I didn't stopped moving towards him even though I could hear Yoongi calling out my name.And then,he shot.

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