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I was so happy when I sat inside the car.I switched on my phone and messaged Namjoon that I am not doing the contract anymore.I asked him to keep it a secret till I return home and tell everyone on my own.'Home',was a sweet word for me now.It wasn't the place anymore but the members for me.I am sure they would be happy to see me.

I got all excited and bought  balloons,cake and their favorite food to celebrate.I went home and got changed,dolled up nicely.

When I looked in the mirror,I realized that,what they went through was because of me,too.But,I kept that thought aside knowing they would always welcome me no matter what.

***[BTS house]

I reached home.Instead of buzzing my arrival,I went straight inside,knowing the lock sequence.No one was in the common room.I kept the cake and everything on dinning table and went to check in rooms.I went to upper floor and found them talking.It wasn't exactly talking but more of a discussion.

I was going to announce my arrival when I heard my name ,"Y/N,is a nice girl".I recognized it was Yoongi's voice.I stood at a distance to eavesdrop at them.

"I know she is nice girl but didn't you heard her last night.She is an agent.A spy.You are an idol",Jin convinced Jungkook."I can't believe you are against her while you are her bias",Jungkook replied."Okay listen.I know what you are going through but wait till BTS disband.Till then, you will get time to know what you truly feel like",Jin said calmly.

"She saved Jimin's life and mine too.She is a good girl",Yoongi repeated."Yes.But he cannot be with her while she has her other life.Don't give me that look Jungkook. She is also my best friend.I am saying this keeping you both in mind",Tae said.

After hearing them fight because of me,the only thing I could think of was, if they knew that most of the attacks were because of me!!!Jin is right. Jungkook was an idol and I was just; Trouble.I am sure that agency would come back for me so I cannot put them in trouble.The question was what should I tell them.

***[After a while]

I announced my arrival."Guys,where are you all?"Namjoon shouted,"here"."Come down",I added.As soon as they arrived ,I shouted with spraying confetti,"Celebration to us".All were confused."Let's blow the candle together",I said and they followed me.We all cut the cake together and started eating it.

"I brought this to celebrate my acceptance in agency",I said while putting a piece into Jungkook's mouth. Namjoon looked shocked at me.I nodded my head in denial and continued,"now I am going out of station for my first assignment.Tonight,I will be in the flight.I wanted to celebrate it, before going,with you all.Consider it as goodbye.I mean ,I won't be able to contact during my mission but afterwards I will contact you",I said smilingly.

We all enjoyed our last meal together.I clicked some pictures with them as my last memories.No body objected so I considered that Namjoon didn't told them anything yet.We drank some beer."So,everyone, behave while I am gone. Jungkook stop hitting your hyungs and play less.Everyone please take care of your self",I said my byes to everyone.

Namjoon followed me till my car.I turned around and looked in his eyes."I am leaving right now.Yes,I know I said I will leave at night but I will take any next flight leave seoul",I said. "But you said,you didn't join the agency",Namjoon questioned me.

"Yes.I didn't.But the agency is behind me and Jungkook might get hurt because of it.You have to make sure he is alright and doesn't come behind me",I said holding his hands."But,you cannot leave him such.He loves you",Namjoon replied.

I looked straight in his eyes and said,"he doesn't love me like a guy.He loves me as a friend and same goes for me,too."Before he could say something or convey me that he loves me,I started my car and left.

Snow White and The BTSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن