Part 77: Merry Christmas from the Rodgers Family!!

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Her mom: Come on hunny. You will look cute. Plus I want you to look nice for the family photo

Opal: Why can't I just wear something I already have?

Her mom: Cause all you wear is black. I want you to look festive, Opal. It's Christmas! So either you wear this or your not gonna have any of the desserts I have prepared

Opal: ....

Ryan&Opal's dad: R/O's D
Ryan&Opal's mom: R/O's M

Ryan and his dad are in the living room and he was fixing Ryan's tie.

Ryan: Thanks dad

R/O's D: No problem son. You know your mother. She would want all of us to look very nice for the Christmas family photo

Ryan: Yeah for sure and I'm glad that Opal's boss let her come home for the holiday. It wouldn't be the same without her

R/O's D: Heh. Yeah, I wouldn't want my only daughter away from her family during Christmas

Ryan: Yeah but her boss also considers her as his daughter

R/O's D: Well too bad. We adopted her legally before he did. Therefore she belongs to our family

Ryan: *laughs* Damn right!

R/O's M: Boys~! Take a look at our Opal

They all look to the door way and saw Opal in a Christmas dress with a Santa hat. She was blushing a lot with a annoyed face.

Ryan: Nice Imōto-Chan! You look amazing

R/O's D: Your brother's right, sweetheart. You look beautiful

Opal: I-I d-do n-not!

Ryan: Yes you do! *goes and hugs her* If only Taylor was here to see you. She would be taking so many pictures of you

Opal: No way!

R/O's M: Alright, alright settle down kids. It's time for the Christmas family photo. So let's get into positions

They all started to get the camera ready and started to get into positions where they would be in the pictures.

R/O's D: Alright, everyone ready?

All: Ready!

R/O's D: Ok. In the count of three, we will all say Merry Christmas to the camera. 1......... 2......... 3!



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Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope everyone stays safe for the holidays!


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