Part 54

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I....... won! I got to the finished line first and I heard the others cheering.


I parked the car and jumped out and all my friends ran and hugged me. "That's my girl!" Tsuzuki said picking me up and putting me on his shoulders. "Here is your reward, Miss Rodgers". The host of the race said. He handed me a envelope that has 13,000 dollars in cash. I squealed happily. Tsuzuki put me down and we all walked away while the workers of the race took my drag race car. We then left and hanged in the parking lot. Then the twins and Tsuzuki left to the bathroom. I can't believe I won this much money. "So Opal, what are you gonna do with your prize money?" Yui said. "I'd say buy all the sweets you want! Since you don't ever gain weight! Which I'm jealous of". Cass said. "Nah. I'm thinking of getting a motorcycle". I said. "Are you sure Sis?" Ryan said. "Yes. I mean, I rode Uncle Steve's motorcycle". I said. Our uncle was actually a wrestler back in WCW called Sting. But he retired and he's mine and Ryan's uncle. He's our mother's brother. " Well Alright then. I just don't want you to get hurt". He said. "Don't worry about that, Nii-san". I said. I then noticed Zeke staring at me angrily and then walking towards us. "Oh god". I said. "What Melons?" Craig said. I pointed to Zeke and they all looked and groaned. "You cheated!" Zeke said. "How did I cheat? It's your own fault for driving a slow car". I said. "You were pushing me!" He said. "Everyone was pushing, you dummy!" Sayuri said. "Shut up, you spoiled brat!" Zeke growled at her. I quickly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Don't ever call her that, you sore loser! Get out of our faces!" I said then pushed him to the ground. He growled before walking away. "Yo, what happened?" Sage said walking towards us along with Tsuzuki and Sebastian. "Zeke was here and he was calling Opal a cheater". Yui said. "Such a sore loser". Luka said frowning pushing his glasses closer to his face. "Yup totally". Kano said. "Anyways, now that the race is over. Let's go eat something". Ryan said. "Ooh! There's an Applebees near here! Let's go there!" Taylor said. "Everyone agrees?" I asked and everyone nods. "Alright let's go". Ryan said. Everyone got in their cars but Tsuzuki, Kano, and Luni carpooled with me. Soon I drove the car and towards the Applebees we're going. "I missed this. The whole gang hanging out together. Causing chaos, racing". I said. "I know right? I mean it's been 3 years since we all just went out together like this". Tsuzuki said. "You're telling me and me, Cass, Luni, and Opal just saw each other last week". Kano said. "Speaking of last week, how was the date with that handsome man Opal?" Luni said. "Man? My babygirl went on a date with someone?" Tsuzuki said. I sighed. "Yes I did. It was...... nice. We went out to dinner, got to know each other, and he took me to the top of the Empire State Building". I said. "Did he kiss you~?" Luni said smirking. "W-Why should you know?!" I growled. "C'mon tell us pretty~". She said. Kano and Tsuzuki were looking annoyed. "Guys relax. Nothing happened....... Other then he kissed me on the cheek". I said. "WHAT?!" They all said. I flinched. "That's it! I'm gonna kill him!" Kano said. "Not until I torture him!" Tsuzuki said. "No ones killing or torturing anyone!" I said. They whined at me and I shushed them. "C'mon guys. She deserves love. You know damn well she isn't interested with either of you". Luni said. Tsuzuki and Kano growled at Luni but it only made Luni smirk. I rolled my eyes. Idiots. We got to Applebees and I parked the car. The others were here and we went inside. We got a big table and was waiting for a waiter. "Mommy help!" Nicky said getting stuck on the chair. We laughed as Cassidy was helping Nicky sit up. "You shouldn't do that little man. How you gonna get a girlfriend if you gonna sit like that?" Craig said. "Craig please don't give him that idea". Cassidy said. "Agreed Craig, he's only five". Luka said. Then the waiter came and we all ordered drinks. I asked for a cherry coke. As everyone was talking, I was thinking about a serious thing. I wanted to tell the others that I'm s vampire. I mean, we've all been friends for 10 years. Luni and the twins didn't even tell them. I took a deep breath. "Ryan, Luni, Sebastian, Sage? Can I talk to you guys in private?" I said. They looked at me and nodded. We all got up and walk towards the bathroom. "So what's up?" Sebastian said looking down at me. "Yeah baby sis". Ryan said. "I think it's time". I said. "For what, pretty?" Luni said. "The thing!" I said and showed my teeth. They stared at me. "But..... what if they are scared of us?" Sage said. "I mean, come on Sage. We've all been friends for years. We can trust them. We trusted Raian-kun". Luni said. "Yeah I guess". Sage said. We all agreed and we decided to tell the others. We all went back to the table. We looked at each other and sighed. "Everyone. Me, Luni, and the twins have something to tell you". I said. "What.... is it, Opal?" Will said. "We're.... vampires". Sage said. They all stared at us with blank faces. "We know..". Luka said. My eyes widened. "How would you know?!" Sebastian said. "Bro it's not that hard. Your cold skin, your eyes change to red, you guys' run really fast....". Craig said. "Your sharp teeth, you guys would even lick your lips when you see blood". Kano said. We all looked at them with a deadpan face and Ryan sighed. "See? Nothing to worry about". He said. "Y-Yeah guys". Nana said. "Besides! We'll still be friends no matter what!" Taylor said. I smiled. I'm glad they accepted us.

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