Part 70

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It was the next day and I was laying down in bed. The moment me and Colby had last night at the show was still in my head. Why was he acting like that? Most importantly, why did tense up when I said I love him? So many questions were going through my head. I tried to get Info-Chan to see what was up with him but she isn't answering my texts or calls. Probably doing her job. She is a Grim Reaper after all. I also tried to call Colby but he isn't answering either. I feel like he's hiding something from me. I don't want to think of the negative but from all of the clues he was showing last night, he was definitely hiding something.

Probably being with other women. I mean, who would love a blood sucker like you?

I shook my head from the voices before sighing softly. "I shouldn't think so much. Colby loves me. He's been showing so much affection to me for the whole time we've been together. Plus he promised to be loyal to me. Unlike Saraya". I thought. I got up before heading into the kitchen and grabbed my bottle of blood and started drinking it. Soon I stopped and put the bottle back in my bag. I wouldn't want people who come in my room see the bottle. I yawned before laying down on my side. I looked at the time on my phone. "Eh.... it's 12:58. Maybe I should get take a nap". I thought. I put my phone down before getting myself comfortable in the covers and I closed my eyes then drifted off to sleep.

Dream World

I opened my eyes and I was lying on the ground. I couldn't move at all. All I could see is darkness. I tried to get myself up but to no prevail. I tried to speak but I couldn't. I laid there until I started to hear some shouting. I listened carefully until the shouting got louder. But it was the shouts of someone crying. There were a lot of shouting people. Like they just lost someone. "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" I heard someone scream. I tried to close my eyes until I saw some dark spirit pop in my face. "Remember these noises, dearie~". The spirit said.  I had to stare into this spirits soulless eyes until I was able to close my eyes.

End Of Dream World

I shot up from my bed and I was all sweaty from that dream I had. What.... the.... hell was that thing in my dream? Why did I heard people screaming like that? I took a deep breath before laying back down on my bed. "I need... some water". I mumbled. I got myself out of bed and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and pour myself some water. Once I was done, I gulped down the water. I finished drink my water so I washed the cup and went back to my bed. I then grabbed my phone and check the time. "Wha?! It's 7:48?!" I said surprised. Damn, I need to rest myself more often! I put my phone down and grabbed one of my anime mangas. It was a Attack on Titan manga. I bought a few more mangas in a bookstore when the show was in Queens. I started reading the book when suddenly my phone went off. I looked at it and grabbed it. It was a message from Colby. I stared at it and went to read his text.

C: Hey babe. Listen, I want to talk to you. Can you come to the lobby? Please?

I stared at his text. Why do I have a feeling something bad was gonna happen? But honestly, I'm still questioning what happened to him last night.

Me: Ok. Honestly you have some explaining to do because of the way you were acting last night.

I waited for his response. I heard a bing and saw he replied back saying:

C: I already told you. But I'm ok now

I sighed. I'm not arguing any further with this. I texted back saying I'll be down soon before getting up, putting my eyepatch on, grabbed my sweater and put my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my room keys and soon left my room and headed to the lobby. I don't know why but I have a pit in my stomach and a funny feeling that something is wrong. I sighed. "Maybe I'm overreacting. Colby wouldn't do anything anything bad. I need to relax. Hmm.....". I thought. I got onto the elevator and hit the lobby button. I laid against the wall and closed my eyes. I sighed and then heard the elevator stopped. I opened my right eye and saw that I wasn't on my stop. The door open to reveal.... gosh darn it. It was Randy and Hunter. I ignored them when they got on. I stuffed my hand in my pocket and found a Tootsie Chocolate lollipop. I took the wrapping off and popped it in my mouth. "You know, you shouldn't eat too much candy. It's bad for you if your wrestling". I heard Hunter say. I slowly gazed at him and noticed he was smiling before frowning when I faced him. "I'm sorry but since when were you EVER in charge of what I eat?" I said annoyed. "I'm just saying. It'll make you chubby". He said. My eyes widen and I then punched him in the nose. "Ow! What the hell?!" He growled. "You know damn well, if you ever say that to a girl, they would've done the same thing. I bet you that if you ever say that to any diva, you're getting your butt whooped". I said. We glared at each other. "Can we please not fight in here? We might get stuck if one of you do something drastic". Randy said. "Fine then we can fight later". I said crossing my arms facing the elevator door. It was all quiet until the elevator stopped and the door open to the lobby. I stepped out and went to find Colby. "I hope he's ok...". I thought. I made it to the front only to find...





Colby kissing that redhead girl Eva Marie. I stared at them until my blood started boiling. "Aw~. Did little Snowy Jay got her heart broken~? I mean I don't blame him. Why would anyone like someone like y-". Hunter said teasing me but I cut him off by punching him in the face making A LOT blood come out of his nose. He fell to the floor holding his face in pain. I then turned my attention to Colby and that redhead brut who now took notice of what's happening. "S-Sn-Snowy.... I-I'm sorr-". Colby said but I cut him by grabbing Eva and slamming her face against the wall very hard. She cried out in pain which I smiled proudly. "S-Snowy?" I heard Colby say. I turned my attention to him and glared darkly at him. "If you tell ANYONE I did this, I WILL hurt both of you even worse". I hissed at him and Randy. Both stared at me in horror before I made my way to the elevator. I quickly went back to my room and took off my sweater. Silently, I went to the bathroom and started to wash Hunter's blood off my hands. Once I was done, I stared at myself in the mirror. Soon I could handle it anymore and my blood tears ran down my cheeks.

 Soon I could handle it anymore and my blood tears ran down my cheeks

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As a vampire, instead of normal tears, you have tears of blood. I cried silently and the lower part of my face was covering in my bloody tears. "I loved him. I thought nothing was wrong with us...... he promised me he'll be different...". I said. I cleaned my face and the blood that got in the sink and sat down on my bed. I then grabbed my phone. I need someone to comfort me so I FaceTimed two people in my friend group who means a lot to me. Ryan and Tsuzuki. I wait for them to answer. Soon Tsuzuki answered. "Hey babygirl! What's u-....". He said before he cuts himself off when he looked at me. "Have you been crying?" He said. I was about to answer but soon Ryan answered the FaceTime as well. "Hey Tsuzuki! Hey Imōto-ch... what's wrong sis?" Ryan said. "U-Um...... you guys remember Colby, right?" I said. "You mean, your boyfriend? Yeah. I remember that baka. What did he do?" Tsuzuki said. "H...He...... He cheated on me". I said. "........WHAT?!?!" Both of them said angrily. "I'll kill him!" Tsuzuki growled. "Not until I get to him first!" Ryan growled. "Guys please relax. I just want to hear your voices". I said. "I'm so sorry sis. From what you've been telling me, you really loved him. What I don't understand is that I thought he loved you. I mean, he even shout it out when Tsuzuki was messing with him and that Orton guy". Ryan said. "Probably was lying to himself. Let's face it. I was right. He couldn't handle Snowy". Tsuzuki said with a smirk. I chuckled softly which made my brother and best friend smile. "There's the smile I wanted to see. Get some rest Neko-Chan. Don't cry over Colby. He doesn't deserve you". Ryan said. I nodded and said goodbye to Ryan and Tsuzuki. I laid down on my bed with my hand on forehead. "Ryan's right. I don't need Colby. It's his lost anyways". I thought. I sighed as I continued to lay on my bed and look at the ceiling.

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