Part 29

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It's been a month now and honestly life is great. Me and Paige. We're officially a couple. But she let me be the dominant one in the relationship. Right now we're at RAW and me and Paige were getting ready for tonight in my locker room. The show already started but they changed it to be a little segment then a match. I also changed in the bathroom cause I didn't want Paige seeing my scars and asking me worryingly. "Babe, are we announce to the world that we're together?" She said. "It's your decision babygirl". I said fixing my stockings and leather gloves. "Maybe we can. Then everyone will know not to mess with us". She said. I smirked and put on my mask. "Well then. Shall we?" I said holding my hand up to her. She smiled before nodded softly. We held hands before grabbing my bat and leaving my locker room. "You have a segment to do with that Bella brut again right?" I said. "Yeah". She said. "Well if The Authority comes to the ring, I'll join in and you could tell the world we're together". I said. "Alright". She said. Then suddenly a producer stopped us. "Excuse me ladies but Paige your on at 10". He said. She nodded and the producer walked away. "Good luck out there". I said. She nodded before pulling my mask down and gave me a kiss on the lips. I kissed back before pulling away. "N-Not now, you Baka!" I growled. She laughed before kissing my cheek and walking away. I puffed my cheeks before looking away. I smiled a little before putting my mask back on. I put my hood up, fixing my eyepatch, and taking two parts of my hair and putting it between my head. I sighed softly before walking while dragging my bat on the ground. I sighed putting my hand behind my head as I walked. I suddenly found myself near the gorilla and there was a tv to look at. Paige's segment was still going but then I saw The Authority too.

"Oh Paige, you aren't strong enough! You're ugly and weak! People would love a weakling like you! Cause I have the women's championship belt and you don't. No one's gonna help or support you". Nikki said.

I growled softly.

I will wring her neck if she says that again.

But then I saw Paige smirk. "Oh you say no one would love me? Actually Nikki, I'm actually with someone right now. And this person has guts to come down here and beat you until your all bloody". Paige said. I smirked. Oh yes I will. "Oh really? What man would love someone like you? And no superstar here has hit any diva until their bloody. You're just bluffing". Seth said. "Paige. With all due respect, no one here would want to go out with some punk like you. Your just as worthless as Snowy Jay". Stephanie said. I growled angrily. I went up the technician. "Play my song". I said. He nodded and I walked up to the curtains.

I'm at war with the world and they
Try to pull me into the dark
I struggle to find my faith
As I'm slippin' from your arms

It's getting harder to stay awake
And my strength is fading fast
You breathe into me at last

I'm awake I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
Here, right here
Right now, right now
Stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake and I'm alive

I walked out dragging my bat on the ground.

"Uh oh the Pretty Little Psycho is out here". Michael said

"She's looks amazing tonight. That's our girl JBL". Jerry said.

"Yep". JBL said.

I smiled and walked down to the ring. I slid into the and did my rock n roll hand sign. I then to the other side and got a mic then went back to Paige's side. "Stephanie, say those things again and not only will do it to the twig next to Randy but I'll do it to you as well. I will wring your neck". I said. The crowd cheered and chanted my nickname again. She stepped back but growling. "Who the hell do you think your talking too?!" She said. "A complete-". I said then cursed her out. The crowd 'ooo' at me and Stephanie was offended by my comment. But then I looked at Paige. "Hey Paige, how are you doing?" I said. "I'm good". She said with a smirk. "Hmph". I said pulling my mask down. "Now you know us girls. We love to be tough and show everyone what we are. And today we can finally show ourselves off". I said. "Yes we can". She said. I smirked and pulled her to me and kissed her. She smirked and kissed back. THE. CROWD. WENT. CRAZY! I smirked and pulled away and stuck my tongue out at Paige. She blushed and I looked at The Authority. Boy are they shocked. I stuck my tongue out at them before laughing insanely. "Paige is MY girlfriend. If anyone of you hurt my Paige, I will hurt you". I said darkly. They jumped when they heard how dark my voice went. "He He!" I giggled before me and Paige held hands and we got out of the ring and the crowd was cheering us on.

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