Part 36

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It was the next day and I was talking to Ryan and the others on Skype. We were talking about stupid stuff. Well.... Craig was talking about stupid stuff.
O-Opal R-Ryan T-Taylor N-Nana C-Craig X-Xavier

C- So I was like, How dare you talk to Ore-sama like that?! I am better than you!

X- Uh...... you're clearly not better. Remember in high school? You're terrible at play Super Smash Bros

R- You know Xavier, I forget how you just say things without thinking

X- Ha! Remember, I'm a Kamidere

O- Uh Huh....

T- So Opal, how are you and work?

C- And that girlfriend of yours?

O- Everything's going fine guys. Me and my girlfriend are doing fine too

R- What's her name?

O- I call her by her ring name Paige but her real name is Saraya

N- T-That's a nice n-name, Oparū-chan

R- Yeah baby sis, it's also great that you're in a relationship. I was starting to think you wouldn't get a boyfriend or girlfriend ever

O- Yeah Yeah. I know. How's everyone? How's the cafe?

T- Everything's going great!

X- Actually Craig decided to make cookies yesterday and he put salt instead of sugar and some of the customers ate it

C- How the hell was I supposed to know it was salt?! They are the same color!

I suddenly heard the door open and closed and it reveal to be Seth. He was my only roommate. Thank goodness he wasn't annoying. "Hey". He said. "Hey". I said.

R- Who's that?

O- Just my hotel roommate

C- Sounds like a guy. You better not be replacing yours truly

O- How many times do I have to tell you?! Stop calling yourself yours truly, you baka! It's annoying!

"Who's that?" Seth said. "I'm just talking to my friends on Skype". I said. "Oh cool". He said.

R- Craig don't...

C- Show me this baka! I'll tell him off!

I rolled my eyes. I turned my laptop to the other way facing the other side of the room. "Seth look at the screen". I said. He did and looked at my friends on the screen.

C- Hey you! Don't steal what belongs to Yours truly!

S- I'm sorry, what?

C- You heard me you b-

R- Craig shut up. I'm sorry dude but he likes to talk like he's some king

C- I AM a king!

X- You're clearly not

C- No one asked you, blonde baka

N- G-Guys, Please s-stop fighting

X&C- Okay...

O- Alrighty then.... I'll talk to you guys tomorrow

All- Ok! Bye!

I ended the call and closed the laptop. "Well your friends are something...". Seth said putting up his hair into a ponytail. "Yeah.... but I still love them". I said. "Also what was your friend gonna call me?" Seth said. "Either the B word or a baka". I said. "Ok, What does that mean?" He said. "It means fool or idiot in Japanese". I said. "Ohhh, .....He's one too and what does he mean by that I better not steal what's his?" He said. "Yeah....... he's talking about me". I said. "What? Are you with him?" He said. "Hell no! I would throw myself out the window if I was and he knows that! It's because he used to have a crush on me in high school so he says that I'm HIS. But he knows I'm not his. I think he says that to protect me from people he doesn't trust". I said. "Ah I see. Well I hate to think he hates me now but whatever". He said. I put my laptop away and laid down on the bed. "Do I really need to wear a maid costume next Monday Night?" He said. "Uh Huh. Your own fault for being part of The Authority. Quit whining about it. It's not like your gonna wear it for a whole year. It's just for one night". I said. "Yeah but it's gonna be shown on LIVE tv". He said. "Well sorry but if I wanted to change my mind, I'd make you wear a butler outfit along with Big Show. You two are the only chill ones in The Authority". I said. He sits down next to me. "You think I'm chill?" He said. "Well yeah. I mean, you think before you speak and act, you're not THAT stupid, and you're not annoying, and you're always calm when someone insults you. So yeah. You're chill". I said. He smiled. "Thanks..... does this mean.... we can be friends? Off screen, of course". He said. I faced up thinking before sighing. "We'll start off as acquaintances until I can learn to trust you". I said. "I can live with that". He said. "Hm?" I said as I heard a knock on the door. Seth got up to answer it and saw that it was Randall. Ugh! "What now Randy?" Seth said. I read my manga book as they have their little conversation until I notice that Randy spotted me. "Why is she in your room?" He said. "She's my roommate". Seth said. I could tell that he's looking at Randy with a smug expression. Then suddenly I heard someone else's voice. I turned my head and saw Paige. "Excuse me". She said. Seth and Randy moves out of the way and Paige landed on top of me. I rolled my eyes at her childish behavior.


"How are you, babe?" She said hugging me. "I'm doing fine, babygirl". I said. I noticed Seth and Randy glaring at Paige angrily. She took notice to this and stuck her tongue out at them. "She's mine, boys~!" She chuckled. I blushed in embarrassed and looked away puffing my cheeks. "Come on, Snowy! Don't be like that!" She said and she kissed my cheek. My face heated up as she laughs. "It's not funny!" I growled. "Oh but it is. You're so tough on the outside". She said. I rolled my eyes as I wrap my arms around her. "I thought you said you were gonna hang out with your friends". I said. "Oh I was. I just didn't think I'd see you. Anyways see ya later". She said slammed her lips against mine. I kissed back before pulling away and she got up and left the room. Randy and Seth were still watching as Paige left and the both got in and stared at me. "What?" I said. "How can you love Paige? She's so annoying". Seth said. "How can Randy be so entitled and annoying?" I said. He growled angrily. "Why can't you see I like you?! I know what I did was wrong Snowy!" He said. "Yet you didn't stop! You continue as I got more depressed! That's why I left and I'd thought never see you or anyone of you idiots again! And for the time, I will NEVER love a stupid, annoying, pathetic, moron, entitled, corrupted puppet like you! You're nothing but useless trash to me!" I said. He stayed quiet and just stared at me. He then left the room and Seth closed the door. "Don't you think that was a little harsh?" He said. "Nope. He brought it on himself". I said.

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