Part 17

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It was the next show in Knoxville and I was putting on my gear. So I heard Kayla is here. Hmph, well she got some nerve coming in here. I looked at myself in the mirror. I took a look at my scars on my face and my blind eye. I touched it before frowning.

They will pay....

I sighed softly before putting my eyepatch on. I then looked at my scars on my body in the mirror. There were a lot on my back then the front of my body. I had a lot of scars on my back.

I soon changed into my gear and I put my hood up

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I soon changed into my gear and I put my hood up. I then smirk cause I brought my new paintball gun. I left my locker room and then went to Vince's office. Soon I knocked on the door. "Come in..". He said and I opened the door. "Vince~! Look what I brought!" I said and laid my paintball gun on his table. His face went white. "Are you crazy?!" He said. "Yes and also relax. It's loaded with paintballs". I said and proved it to him. He sighed with relief. "Vince I'm not that crazy to bring an actual gun". I said putting it back in my pocket. "Yeah I kn-". He said. "Or maybe I am...?" I smirked. He sighed shaking his head. "You are crazy". He said. "But you know you love me". I said. He looked at me and I put my mask down and gave him a nervous smile. He sighed again with a smile. "You have a promo you gotta do". He said. "Yeah, Yeah. I know. I'll go do that". I said. He smiled softly before shaking his head again. I was about to walk to the door but then stopped. "By the way, when can I go see Shane? I miss Mr. Risktaker". I said. He chuckled. "He works for Smackdown. If you want to see him, he'll be at tomorrow's show". He said. "Mkay. Then I'll come back on a Tuesday to see him. Also can I PLEASE use my paintball gun?" I said. He nodded and I got excited and walked out of his office. I walked through the halls and soon a producer told me it's time for my promo. I nodded and made my way to the gorilla. I fixed my hood and my mask. Soon my music played and I walked out an did my usual stuff. I'm glad I started Monday Night Raw. "Welcome to Monday Night Raw Knoxville, Tennessee!" I said as the crowd cheered. I smiled softly as the crowd chanted 'Pretty Little Psycho!'. "Oh guys! That's so sweet! You all are the real MVP". I said. The crowd cheered. "Well all except some people in the back whose name isn't all interesting to talk about. And also thinking that they're mutt could beat me last Monday Night. You all know who I'm talking about. The 'Authority'". I said as the crowd booed. "But it's not gonna be a problem for me or any of y'all cause if they come out, they'll have a surprise from me. Trust me. He he!" I said.

Behold the king
The king of kings

I smirked as The Authority came out but without Kayla. The crowd booed at them but they ignored the crowd. They got into the ring and I crossed my arms. "Well Snowy, you have two things wrong. Number one, these people aren't the real MVP. They are a bunch of losers". Hunter said. The crowd booed and I shook my head. "Number two, your just saying you're crazy but in reality you are nothing but a bad attitude brat". He said. The crowd started to boo and also chant 'No, she's not!'. I smiled. "You got bad attitude correctly but a brat? HAHAHAHAHAHAA!" I said then laughed insanely. I could tell my laugh made everyone's spine shiver. "No I'm not. I ain't whiny all the time. I don't groan for anything. I work my butt off if I want something. If anything, you're little snakelet is the brat. Ain't that right, Randy?" I said. The crowd cheered but for Randy he angrily grabbed the mic then walked down the ring. "You better watch your mouth Snowy! I am not the brat!" He said. "With that attitude you are". I chuckled. "Well I know someone who thinks your a brat". He said. "Yeah? Who?" I said. I know it's Kayla. Hunter and Stephanie moved away and Kayla appeared in the middle. People were whistling at her but others were giving her the stink eye. Guess they don't like her.

"So Snowy and Kayla Miller don't like each other?" Michael said.

"Guess not". Jerry said.

Kayla and all the rest of The Authority got into the ring. "We meet again, Kayla, the dumb redhead". I said. Crowd cheered for me and laughed. Stephanie gave her the mic and we stared at each other. "Oh Snowy, always so rude but you shouldn't be talking to a-". Kayla said. "Famous 'model'. Yeah I know. Honestly don't get it. You're annoyingly stupid, your voice is irritating, and you whine a lot. RIP all the people who have to see you every other day". I said then chuckled. Kayla growled at me but then smirked. "You're a freak of nature! You and your friends! My sister Kano is a freak too! No wonder these guys hate you! Hell maybe that's why you have adopted parents! Cause you're ACTUAL parents hated you!" Kayla said. I froze. I stared at her.

"Oh no. That is one thing you don't talk about with Snowy. Her biological parents". Jerry said.

I just stood there as she smirks at me. "What's the matter Snowy? Got nothing to say? I know you're weak when it comes to that". Hunter said. I looked down to my feet before smirking. Then smirking turned to chuckling then it turned to laughing insanely. Their eyes widen. Probably thinking 'is she crazy?' I calmed down. I pulled out my paintball gun and shot Kayla in the leg. She fell holding her leg as she cries. I smirked and looked up at The Authority. All of them were shocked. "Let that be a warning to all of you. I don't play games. Say another word and I swear to the lord, I will shoot you with my paintball gun". I said. The crowd cheered and chanted 'Pretty Little Psycho!' I smiled and gave a high five to a cute little girl. My music played as I stared at The Authority looking so scared. I smirked before holding up a rock n roll hand sign. Soon I walked backstage and to my locker room.

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