Part 49

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The girls made me put on many outfits for this hang out with Seth. I'm not calling this a date. He knows that we are only acquaintances. I sighed before leaving the bathroom and came out with the last outfit I had.

I hate it

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I hate it. The girls looked and Cass and Luni cheered while Kano was leaning against the wall looking a bit upset but had a small smirk on her face. "I love it!" Cass and Luni said together. "I hate it". I said annoyedly. "Well too bad. You need to look hot for that man". Cass said. "Fu Fu~, it's true Opal. You and him would be a cute couple". Luni said. I rolled my eyes. "Can I at least put on stockings? I don't want him looking at my........ scars". I said. "Girl, if he asked then you tell him it's personal. I mean, you don't want him knowing the truth until you want to, right? Plus, we covered most of the scars that can be seen with that cream you put on. It's just the lower part of your legs". Cass said. "I guess...". I said. I guess it's ok. I mean, I cover my other scars with my stockings. I guess this won't matter. I put on my boots on and I suddenly heard the door ring and Cass dragged me to the front door. She opened the door open to find Seth. He was wearing a tuxedo and had his hair tied.

My face heated up a little

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My face heated up a little. I suddenly been pushed outside. "Have fun you two~!" Cass said. "Don't forget to use a-". Luni said but I slammed the door closed before she could finish that sentence. "Well that was.... um". Seth said. "Don't even get me started". I said pinching the bridge of my nose. He chuckled. "Cmon let's go". He said. I guess I am doing this. I nodded and we walked and made our way to what seems like his car. "Nice car". I said. "Thanks". He said and he opened the for me. My face heated up. "T-Thanks". I said embarrassed getting in. He then got in and we soon drove away. Dang this inside of the car is nice. Huh... "So where are we going?" I said. "To this fancy dinner place and then another surprise". He said. "Alright". I said. A few minutes during the drive and I started to think of something that made me chuckle. "What are you laughing about?" He said. "Oh just thinking how you aren't as close as to anyone in The Authority when it's outside of work". I said. "What do you mean?" He said. "I mean, like you act like the peace maker. You make sure nobody in your group fights with each other. I know this might sound foolish but you kinda remind me of me when I was 15". I said. His eyes widen and he looked at me when he stopped at a red light. "Really?" He said. "Yeah but only a little bit. I mean, you do cuss right?" I said. "I mean, yeah. Is that ok?" He said. "Of course it's ok. I'm different now". I said. He nodded softly before driving again. "Hey if you don't mind me asking, how come you don't want to go out with Randy? I know it's because of something between you two and the rest of your friends in the past but I have a feeling it's something else". He said. I sighed. "Yeah it is. He's so entitled and he just thinks about himself. And honestly, he's such a good boy. Good boys are so annoying". I said. "What's wrong with being good?" He said. "They are always nice, never say anything mean, and they do good things. My brother's girlfriend is kinda like that but she's the only good girl I tolerate". I said. "Heh. You know, you kinda just define past you". He said. "Exactly. But I was a doormat. I learned that I needed to become more assertive". I said. "Ok so you consider yourself as a bad girl". He said. I nodded. Soon we made it to restaurant, we got out and we went inside. He actually made a reservations at this place. We got a table and now we were looking at the menu. Since Vampires don't need to eat, I might as well just get a chicken cesar salad. Then a waiter came to us. He suddenly looked at me and smirk. "What can I get you, beautiful?"  He said. I crinkled my nose. "Just a water please". I said annoyed. I notice Seth was annoyed too. He then took Seth's order but then to start flirting with me. Me and Seth were both annoyed now. "Boy if don't you leave us, you'll have major consequences". I warned him. "Oh c'mon sweet cheeks. I can treat you better. And why don't you show me what's behind that eyepatch you have on?" He said reaching for my eyepatch. Without Seth noticing, I hypnotized the waiter and made him walk away to get our drinks and forgetting what I did to him. "Pervert...". I growled lowly. "Yeah no kidding. I'm sorry by the way for not stepping in". Seth said. I chuckled. "It's alright but I don't need saving. I'm a warrior. I can handle stuff on my own". I said. "Yeah I know you can". He said. "That's why I like you". I heard him whisper thanks to my super hearing. I stared at him for a little before the waiter came back with our drinks then took our orders. But this time he didn't come and flirt with me this time. Good. He was disgusting any way. "So tell me about yourself if we are gonna be close". I said. "Well my actual name is Colby Lopez. I was born in Buffalo, Iowa May 28, 1986, and I'm 27 years old". He said. "Alright. I was born on February 15, 1990 and I'm 23 years old. As you know, I was adopted into a family in Los Angeles, I worked in my brother's cafe along with some other friends from high school, and I love reading and watching Anime". I said. He nodded before smiling softly. We continued to talk and we actually had a lot of stuff in common.

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