Still Night 2

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*Picture in media is not owned by me, it is the same picture as the last chapter*

Your POV:

Surprised, and confused, I see Chica walk behind him and there was a poof of yellow smoke. She was dirty blonde wearing an orange shirt, shorts with ripped stockings and a white party bib saying 'LET'S EAT!!'. She smiled at me and took my hand. 

"C'mon, you still haven't met Freddy yet!" She said, really excited. She dragged me along onto the main stage where there was an animatronic bear just standing there. He looked over and saw me and Chica together. His face turned cross. He was angry. He got up and grabbed Chica by the upper arm. "H-hey! Let go!!!! Let go of me right now Freddy!" She shouted angrily. There was another poof of yellow smoke and Chica was back as in animatronic and she went off with Freddy in the Kitchen.

Freddy's POV:

I saw Chica walk in with that new damn security guard. I was furious. I thought I told her to have her killed! What is wrong with her?!?! I didn't really got a good look at her, yet. I dragged Chica into the kitchen and started yelling at her. "I thought I told you to have her killed!" I started shouting. I made sure the door was closed so that the new security guard couldn't hear.

"Wait, Freddy, you don't understand, she's our friend!" She said. Yeah right. Security guards are never good news around here...

"No security guard is our friend. Besides, remember what happened last time?" I asked. I didn't wait for a response as I stormed out, prepared to kill her with my own hands. I had to make sure we were safe at all costs.

Your POV:

I didn't know what was going on, why would Freddy drag Chica out like that? Thoughts were whirring through my head like a helicopter. I heard footsteps behind me and saw Bonnie standing there in shock. "Hey, do you know what that was all about?" I asked. He hesitantly shook his head no and nervously looked away. I hear running, screaming, and Mark from behind. I ran towards the noise as Bonnie followed close behind. We made it to the office to find Foxy peeking through the doorway and Mark cowering in the corner.

Mark's POV:

I checked out the kitchen camera to hear this guy screaming at this girl. 

"I thought I told you to have her killed!" I knew it, she's gonna die out there. Man, I wished you could see what was going on in the kitchen... I gotta find (Y/N)... I checked the party area camera and saw (Y/N) talking to this guy with purple hair. Who the hell was he? Again, why would anyone want to voluntarily be here? I check the West Hall and saw this Sonic thing running towards my door. Scared to death, I tried to close the door but missed and huddled in a corner. I saw this weird fox with an eye patch and a hook lean in through door. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!" I screamed. I got a good look at him and realized it was Pirate Cove man. I heard more running footsteps and saw (Y/N) with the guy she was with on the camera. Then, Pirate Cove man turned his head to face them. This is it. I get to watch her die before I get mutilated myself. Great.

Your POV:

As I approach Foxy, he faces me. I jumped back, afraid that he might try to kill me, even though Chica said that they wouldn't do that. I hesitantly waved at Foxy with a nervous smile. His jaw went down and there was a poof of red smoke. And of course, it was Foxy, in his human form. (Picture displayed next chapter.) He had a hook, a tail, an eye patch, and semi-wild hair. He looked amazing. "Lassy? Is that ye? It's been so long since I've see ye beautiful eyes." I didn't know what to say, I started blushing.

"F-Foxy, you remember me?" I was honestly speechless. Wait, do all of the animatronics remember me? Wow... But wait, what about Freddy? He seemed really angry when he saw me... I don't even know anymore... As I was thinking, I saw Freddy running towards us I tried running, but realized that there was a wall there. The hallway light all of a sudden turned on and Freddy halted in his tracks.

A New Friend (A Foxy x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora